Answer to Courtesy and Politeness in Chinese: Learning Etiquette and Manners for Better Communication

Answer:A Analysis: Lì Li: “Xiǎo Xīn, nǐ zěnme la?” 丽丽:小新,你怎么啦? Li Li: “Xiao Xin, what’s wrong?”

Xiǎo Xīn: “Duìbuqǐ, wǒ xiān (shīpéi) yí xià, xiànzài yǒu jiàn jǐnjí de shìqíng yào chǔlǐ.” 小新:”对不起,我先(失陪)一下,现在有件紧急的事情要处理。” Xiao Xin: “Sorry, could you please excuse me for a moment? There …

IB Chinese B Speech Writing Format

When crafting a speech, having a clear and organized structure is essential for effective communication and audience engagement. Here’s a standard speech format that students can adapt as needed:

1. Title Page

Title: A concise summary of the speech’s theme.

Subtitle: Provides additional details or …

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