Tongue Twister-一共拍了几个球?(yíɡònɡ pāi le jǐ ɡè qiú?) How Many Times Have They Bounced in Total?

Xiǎoniū hé xiǎoniú, 小妞     和   小牛, The little girl and the little calf, Yìqǐ  lái pāiqiú, 一起 来  拍球。 They bounce the ball together. Xiǎoniū pāi dào liù, 小妞      拍  到   六, The little girl bounces six times, Xiǎoniú pāi dào jiǔ. 小牛      拍  到   …

Back to The difference between “公园(gōngyuán)”and “员工(yuángōng)”

Correct Answer: A The pronunciations of “公园(gōngyuán)” and “员工(yuángōng)” are similar. However, their meanings are completely different. “公园(gōngyuán),” as a place word, means “park.” It can be used as a subject or an object and used with prepositions such as “在(zài), in or at.”


Tongue Twister For Kids: The Tiger And The Mouse

Lǎohǔ yù lǎoshǔ, 老虎    遇 老鼠, The tiger met the mouse, Lǎoshǔ yù lǎohǔ, 老鼠     遇  老虎, The mouse met the tiger, Lǎohǔ yǎo lǎoshǔ, 老虎     咬  老鼠, The tiger tried to bite the mouse, Lǎoshǔ duǒ lǎohǔ, 老鼠      躲   老虎, The mouse hid itself …

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