What Exactly Is the “Spring Rush” in China And When Does It Happen?

What Exactly Is “春运 (Chūnyùn)?” Literally translated this word means “Spring movement,” and that’s kind of what it is! The word comes from an abbreviation in Chinese that refers to “春节期间的交通运输 (chūnjié qījiān de jiāotōng yùnshū) the transportation during Spring Festival.” There is a rush …

Test Your Mandarin Fluency: Can You Have a Conversation in Fluent Chinese?

Please choose the corresponding answer to the questions below.

    Xiao Hong: Zhègè hànzì zěnme dú? Nǐ kěyǐ jiāo wǒ ma? 1. 小红:这个汉字怎么读?你可以教我吗?     Xiao Ming: ___________________________     小明: ___________________________

    Xiao Jun: Jīnnián nǐ dǎsuàn qù nǎ lǐ guò chūnjié? 2. 小军:今年你打算去哪里过春节?     Xiao Lei: ___________________________     小雷:___________________________

    Li Li: …

Answer Key – Insider’s Guide to Chinese Study Hacks

Answer: C


Nǐ gāngcái zuò shénme le? 你刚才做什么了? What did you do just now?

Wǒ gāngcái kàn le Chénglóng lìxiǎn jì. 我刚才看了《成龙历险记》 。 I watched Jackie Chan Adventures just now.

歌曲 (Gēqǔ)

舞蹈 (Wǔdǎo)

动画片 (Dònghuàpiān)

“成龙历险记 (Chénglóng lìxiǎn jì) Jackie Chan Adventures” is …

Answer to Challenging Chinese Grammar Quiz

Answer: D Analysis: Xīguā hé xiāngjiāo děng shuǐguǒ hányǒu fēngfù de wéishēngsù. 西瓜和香蕉等水果含有丰富的维生素。 Fruits such as watermelons and bananas are rich in vitamins.

Zhè xiàng gōngchéng zhìshǎo xūyào 5 nián cáinéng wángōng. 这项工程至少需要5年才能完工。 The project will take at least 5 years to complete.

Shīzi shì …

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