商务介绍礼仪 Business Etiquette–Business Card Exchanges and Introduction (Beginner)

商务介绍礼仪 (Shāngwù jièshào lǐyí) Business Etiquette–Business Card Exchanges and Introduction

Key Learning Points (Preview):

介绍 (jièshào): v/n. to introduce/introduction

年龄 (niánlíng): n. age

名片 (míngpiàn): n. business card

In China, the first “介绍 (jièshào) introduction” is crucial in business relationships. It is a stepping …

Body Parts: The Names of the Fingers in Chinese

Read the Story:

“五个手指头的对话(Wǔ gè Shǒuzhǐtou de Duìhuà)” The Five Fingers’ Dialogue

Yìtiān wǎnshang, wǔ gè shǒuzhǐtou tǎng zài chuáng shàng liáotiān. 一天     晚上,     五  个   手指头        躺    在    床        上       聊天。 One night, five fingers laid on the bed chatting.

Zhōngzhǐ shuō: “āiyō,   mǔzhǐ …

Dine and Dash? It Is Having “霸王餐(bàwángcān)” in Mandarin!

Previously, we introduced two other Chinese words related to the character “霸(bà)”: “学霸(xuébà)” and “麦霸(màibà).” In this issue we will learn about another one, which is “霸王餐(bàwángcān).”

Literally, “霸(bà)” means “to dominate, lord over, tyrannize over or rule by force” and “王(wáng)” means “king.” Together, …

Answer to Do “牛奶(niúnǎi)” and “奶牛(nǎiniú)” mean the Same Thing?

Answer: B In option A, “蜜蜂(mìfēng)” means “bee” and “蜂蜜(fēngmì)” means “honey.” In B, “苹果(píngguǒ)” is “apple” but the character combination “果苹(guǒpíng)” doesn’t hold any meaning in Chinese. In option C, “国王(guówáng)” refers to “a king” and “王国(wángguó)” is his “kingdom.” Finally, in D, “白雪(báixuě)” …

Do “牛奶(niúnǎi)” and “奶牛(nǎiniú)” mean the Same Thing?

In Chinese, some two-character words or phrases will take on new meanings if the order of the two characters is swapped. For example, “牛奶(niúnǎi)” means “milk” but “奶牛(nǎiniú)” means “cow”, “喜欢(xǐhuān)” is “to like” but “欢喜(huānxǐ)” is “happy”, and “刷牙(shuāyá)” means “to brush one’s teeth” …

Answer to What does the phrase “莫名其妙(mòmíngqímiào)” refer to?

Correct Answer: A


A. 莫名其妙(mòmíngqímiào) is the word for “Baffling.” The character 莫(mò) means do not; 名(míng) means to express; 其(qí) means this or that and 妙(miào) means wonderful. B. 心灰意冷(xīnhuīyìlěng) is the word for “Downhearted.” The character 心(xīn) means heart; 灰(huī) means grey; …

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