孟母三迁 Mencius’ Mother Relocates Home Three Times to Improve Her Son’s Education (Beginner)

孟母三迁 (Mèngmǔ sān qiān) Mencius’ Mother Relocates Home Three Times to Improve Her Son’s Education

Key Learning Points (Preview):

学习 (xuéxí): v to learn/to study

儿子 (érzi): n son

Once upon a time, there was a “淘气 (táoqì) naughty” boy named Mencius. At the beginning, …

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Peking University Press (I)ISBN 7-301-077777/H.1024 (II)ISBN 7-301-0778-5/H.1025 Chief Editor Fang Ming 教材类型 注释语言 适用对象 册数 配套产品 大学综合教材 英语 中学生,大学生,成人 2 课本、第一册配2CD,第二册配3CD Type Annotation Ideal for volume Supporting Material Comprehensive textbook for college English Beginners of High school …

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1、Jīntiān hěn cánkù, míngtiān gèng cánkù, hòutiān hěn měihǎo, dàn jué dàduōshù rén dōu sǐ zài míngtiān wǎnshàng, kàn bú jiàn hòutiān de tàiyáng. 今天很残酷,明天更残酷, 后天很美好,但绝大多数人都死在明天晚上,看不见 后天的太阳。 Today is cruel and tomorrow is crueler. The day after tomorrow will be wonderful; however, most people die …

童年 (Tóngnián) Childhood

童年 (Tóngnián) Childhood


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Key Learning Points (Preview):

等待 (děnɡdài): v. to wait

老师 (lǎoshī) n. teacher

Chítáng biān de róngshù shàng, zhīliao zài shēngshēng jiàozhe xiàtiān. 池塘       边   的    榕树      上,   知了   在       声声         叫着    夏天。 The cicadas in BANYAN TREES

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