Basic Chinese Conversation: Take a Quiz and See If You Understand

Please place the four pieces of dialogue, A, B, C, and D, into proper order to complete the dialogue.

     Nǐ tīngshuō guò huāmùlán de gùshì ma? A. 你听说过花木兰的故事吗?(Click here to know who is “花木兰 Hua Mulan?”)

     Nǐ zhīdào zěnme qù diànyǐngyuàn ma? B. 你知道怎么去电影院吗?

     Nǐ …

Animals, Drinks and Objects: Do You Know the Chinese Words for the Pictures?

Please determine whether the picture and the text are the same. 1. 猫 (Māo)          (    )

2. 电脑 (Diànnǎo)         (    )

3. 汽车 (Qìchē)         (    )

4. 咖啡 (Kāfēi)         (    )

5. 男人 (Nánrén)          (    )

General Chinese (Beginner Level)  General Chinese

A Funny Example of Using A Chinese Expression Incorrectly “干货 (Gānhuò)”: Don’t Take It Literally!

While learning Chinese expressions, it’s important that you understand the literal meaning and also the figurative meaning as well. Knowing the figurative meaning will help you apply the language to the appropriate situation, while knowing the literal meaning will help you avoid embarrassing or …

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