Answer to Using Current Events to Learn Chinese Emotions

Answers: 1. C     2. D     3. A    4. B


担心 (Dānxīn) worry; feel anxious

欢喜 (Huānxǐ) joy

痛心 (Tòngxīn) pained; distressed; grieved

可怕 (Kěpà) awful; terrible; horrible

    Zuówǎn, Bālíshèngmǔyuàn fāshēng dàhuǒ, zhēn ràng rén tòngxīn. 1. 昨晚,巴黎圣母院发生大火,真让人痛心。     Last night, there was a big fire …

Chinese Antonyms Pairs 101: Can You Identify Them in Chinese?

1. Please choose the sentence with the error.         (   )

Dàxiàng de bízi cháng, ér tùzi de wěibā duǎn. A. 大象的鼻子长,而兔子的尾巴短。

Xiǎo Míng gèzi ǎi, dànshì lìqì gāo. B. 小明个子矮,但是力气高。

Xiǎo Jūn yǐqián hěn pàng, xiànzài hěn shòu. C. 小军以前很胖,现在很瘦。

Chinese for

Answer to What’s So Special About Playing Mahjong During Chinese Spring Festival?

Answer: 1. A


Xiǎo Míng: Nǐ xǐhuan dǎ májiàng ma? 小明: 你喜欢打麻将吗? Xiao Ming: Do you like playing Mahjong?

Xiǎo Hóng: Bù, wǒ zuìjìn gèng xǐhuan dǎ pūkè. 小红:不,我最近更喜欢打扑克。 Xiao Hong: No, I prefer to play poker in recent days.

Therefore, we can see …

Answer to Why Is the Chinese Tradition Upside Down? It’s a Good Omen

Answer: 1. C


祝福 (Zhùfú) n./v. blessing/bless

福利 (Fúlì) n. welfare

幸福 (Xìngfú) adj./ n. happy, happiness

Kàndào háizi chī bǎo hòu, māma lòuchū l (xìngfú) de xiàoróng. 看到孩子吃饱后,妈妈露出了(幸福)的笑容。 The mother smiled (happily) when she saw the baby full.

For this sentence, it just …

Video Lesson: That’s Chinese Kungfu

Do you know Chinese Kungfu?

Exercises in the Video:

1. A: Wánɡ Yīnɡ, nǐ bà shēntǐ zhēn hǎo! Tā yídìng jīngcháng zuò yùndòng ba? A: 王英,你爸身体真好!他一定经常做运动吧? B: Shì a! Tā zuìjìn kāishǐ liàn qìɡōnɡ le. B: 是啊!他最近开始练气功了。 Which fitness program did Wang Ying’s father start …

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