Mini-Test Answer: 我就知道

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The answer to the test is C.


           Míngtiān wǒ yào chuān nà tiáo wǒ zuì xǐhuan de qúnzi. Linda: 明天       我   要     穿     那 条   我   最   喜欢  的  裙子。

           I want to wear my favorite skirt tomorrow.

          Wǒ jiù …

How to say “Thanksgivings” in Chinese? (Intermediate)

Thanksgiving Day is coming up. Do you know how to read and write the Chinese Characters


for Thanksgiving Day? The Chinese Characters


for “Thanksgiving Day”  are “感恩节(Gǎn’ēnjié),” or the traditional Chinese characters “感恩節(Gǎn’ēnjié).” “感(gǎn)” means to appreciate or to give thanks. “恩(ēn)” means the favor …

Please Help Me! (Beginner) 帮帮我!(初级)

Speaking Chinese-帮帮我!(Bāngbang wǒ!) Please Help Me! (Beginner)


      Bāngbang wǒ! Nǚpéngyou ràng wǒ péi tā qù xué fǎyǔ, kěshì wǒ   A: 帮帮         我!女朋友         让    我 陪 她 去 学  法语,可是 我       zhēnde hěn xiǎng xué shuō hànyǔ.       真的      很   想     学    说     汉语。 A:  Please …

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