Answer to Which Is the Most Ideal Face on Earth? A Square Face Or an Oval Face?

Answer: 1. D Analysis:

A. 蛇精脸 (Shé jīng liǎn) V-shaped face

B. 巴掌脸 (Bāzhǎng liǎn) palm-sized face

C. 扑克脸 (Pūkè liǎn) poker face

D. 明星脸 (Míngxīng liǎn) dead ringer

Dialogue: Xiǎo Xīn: Dàjiā dōu shuō wǒ zhǎng de xiàng Bèi Kè Hàn Mǔ ne. 小新:大家都说我长得像贝克汉姆呢。 …

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