Rent a girlfriend for the Chinese New Year (Elementary)

Recently, there has been an intriguing news story spreading across the internet in China. Lily and Jerry are talking about it.

           Wǒ kàndào yítiáo qíguài de xīnwén.    Lily:我    看到    一条    奇怪   的   新闻。

            I read a weird piece of news.

           Shénme xīnwén? Jerry:什么        新闻?

           What …

Mini-Test Answer: Let’s go to buy some rice dumplings (Beginner)

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The right answer for this test is A. Translation:

Míngtiān shì Duānwǔjié, wǒmen yíhuìr qù mǎi zòngzi, zěnmeyàng? Lily: 明天       是    端午节,     我们  一会儿 去 买    粽子, 怎么样?

Tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival. How about we buy some rice dumplings?…

Mini-Test Answer: To go out and have a great time

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The answer to the test is C.

Translation:          Yuánxiāojié wǒmen yìqǐ chūqu wán ba! Anne: 元宵节         我们   一起 出去   玩    吧?

         We should go out and enjoy the Lantern Festival!

          Hǎo a.   Lisa: 好 啊。

          Nice, sounds good to me!


Mini-Test Answer: 拜年 (Bàinián)

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The answer to the test is A.


A: “拜年 (bàinián)” means “paying a New Year’s visit.”

For example: Míngtiān wǒ qù gěi péngyou bàinián. 明天        我 去 给    朋友      拜年。

Tomorrow I’ll be paying a New Year’s visit to my …

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