中国商务送礼禁忌 Taboos of Giving Business Gifts in China (Intermediate)

中国商务送礼禁忌 (Zhōngguó shāngwù sònglǐ jìnjì) Taboos of giving business gifts in China

Key Learning Points (Preview):

送礼 (sònglǐ): v. to give gift

商务往来 (shāngwù wǎnglái): n. business exchanges/doing business with others

“送礼 (sònglǐ) Gift giving ” is an important part of “商务往来 (shāngwù wǎnglái) doing …

取长补短 To Draw upon One Another’s Strong Point to Overcome Deficiencies

Yǒuyìtiān, dàxiàng hé mǎyǐ fāshēng le yìchǎng zhēnglùn, tā liǎ dōu rènwéi zìjǐ de lìqi bǐ duìfāng dà. 有一天,   大象      和 蚂蚁 发生      了 一场       争论,    他 俩  都   认为  自己 的力气比 对方     大。 One day, there arose an argument between an elephant and an …

雪地里的小画家 Young Painters in Snowfield

雪地里的小画家 (Xuědìlǐ De Xiǎohuàjiā) Young Painters in Snowfield

Xiàxuě la, xiàxuě la! 下雪   啦,下雪 啦! It is snowing! It is snowing!

Xuědìlǐ láile yìqún xiǎohuàjiā. 雪地里 来了 一群  小画家。 A group of young painters came to snowfield.

Xiǎojī huà zhúyè, xiǎogǒu huà méihuā, xiǎoyā huà …

Answer to Chinese Translation Quiz: 洗手间在哪里(Xǐshǒujiān zài nǎlǐ)

Answer: C Here, the key word is “洗手间(xǐshǒujiān),” which means “bathroom” in Chinese. So the correct answer is C. The Chinese sentence structure “……在哪里(……zài nǎlǐ)? Where is ……?” is usually used for asking directions. For example, “电梯在哪里(diàntī zài nǎlǐ)? Where is the elevator/lift?” To show …

How’s Your Summer Vacation?

Beginner Level/初级(chūjí)

Joey: Zuìjìn tiānqì búcuò, zánmen qù páshān ba! Joey: 最近   天气   不错, 咱们    去    爬山   吧! Joey: The weather is fine recently. Let’s go hiking!

Amy: Kěshì wǒ juéde tài rè le, háishì gǎitiān qù ba! Amy: 可是  我  觉得 太 热 了,还是   …

Chinese Song – 好宝宝(Hǎobǎobao) Good Child

Tiān lánlán, báiyún piāo, bēiqǐ xiǎoshūbāo. 天     蓝蓝,白云 飘, 背起  小书包。 The sky is blue with floating white clouds, and I carry my little bag.

Huār kāi, niǎor jiào, tàiyáng gōnggong xiào. 花儿 开,鸟儿  叫, 太阳     公公           笑。 The flowers bloom, the birds sing, and …

Chinese Song – 雪绒花(Xuěrónghuā) Edelweiss

Xuěrónghuā, xuěrónghuā, 雪绒花,        雪绒花, Edelweiss, Edelweiss,

Qīngchén yíngzhe wǒ kāifàng. 清晨          迎着      我  开放。 Every morning you greet me.

Xiǎo ér bái, jié ér liàng, 小   而 白,洁 而 亮, Small and white, clearn and bright,

Xiàng wǒ kuàilède yáohuàng. 向       我  快乐地   摇晃。 You …

Nursery Rhyme – 小蜻蜓(Xiǎoqīngtíng) Little Dragonfly

Xiǎoqīngtíng shì yìchóng, 小蜻蜓           是 益虫, Little dragonflies are useful insects,

Fēidào xī lái fēidào dōng. 飞到    西 来 飞到    东。 They fly here and there.

Bù chī liángshi bù chī cài, 不   吃 粮食      不 吃  菜, They eat neither grains nor vegetables.

Shì …

Nursery Rhyme – 萤火虫(Yínghuǒchóng) Firefly

Yínghuǒchóng, yínghuǒchóng, mànmàn fēi. 萤火虫,                 萤火虫,        慢慢    飞。 Firefly, firefly, flying slowly.

Xiàyè lǐ,     xiàyè lǐ,  fēng qīng chuī. 夏夜里,夏夜里,风    轻     吹。 On summer nights, summer nights, the breeze gently blows.

Pàhēide háizi   ānxīn shuì ba, 怕黑的   孩子  安心  睡   吧, Kids who are afraid …

Song for Kids – 小乌龟(Xiǎowūguī) Little Turtle

Xiǎoxiǎo wūguī shàngshānpō, 小小        乌龟     上山坡, The little turtle is climbing up the hillside,

Hēihēiyo, hēihēiyo. 嘿嘿哟,   嘿嘿哟。 Stomp, stomp.

Dàizhe miànbāo hé tángguǒ, 带着      面包       和 糖果, With some bread and candies,

Yántú lèyōuyōu. 沿途    乐悠悠。 He is joyful and leisurely throughout his journey.…

Chinese Nursery Rhyme – 粉刷匠(Fěnshuājiàng) The Painter

Wǒ shì yígè fěnshuājiàng, 我   是  一个 粉刷匠, I am a painter,

Fěnshuā běnlǐng qiáng. 粉刷        本领     强。 I am good at painting.

Wǒ yào bǎ nà xīnfángzi, 我   要   把 那 新房子, I will make that new house,

Shuāde gèngpiàoliang. 刷得      更漂亮。 More beautiful …

Song for Kids – 小小少年(Xiǎoxiǎo shàonián) The Little Boy

Xiǎoxiǎo shàonián, hěnshǎo fánnǎo. 小小       少年,      很少       烦恼。 The little boy has few worries.

Yǎn wàng sìzhōu, yángguāng zhào. 眼    望      四周, 阳光           照。 He looks around and finds the sun is shining.

Xiǎoxiǎo shàonián, hěnshǎo fánnǎo. 小小       少年,    很少        烦恼。 The little boy has …

Chinese Nursery Rhyme – 识颜色 (Shí yánsè) About Colors

Tàiyáng mīmīxiào, 太阳        咪咪笑, The sun is beaming with smiles,

Hóngqí yíngfēng piāo, 红旗        迎风       飘, The red flag is flying in the wind,

Chéngsède shì júzǐ, 橙色的        是 桔子, The tangerines are orange,

Lǜsède shì qīngcǎo, 绿色的   是    青草, The grass is green,

Xiǎoyādàn …

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