变形金刚2(biàn xíng jīn gang2) Transformers: The Revenge of the Fallen

变形金刚2(biàn xíng jīn gang2) Transformers: The Revenge of the Fallen

Last week in China, Transformers: The Revenge of the Fallen became “火爆(huǒbào)” explosively popular. The Transformers finally has surpassed Ice Age and became NO.1 on Friday. But on the weekend Billboard charts, they “并列(bìngliè)” stood …

讲价 (jiăngjià) Bargaining

讲价 (jiăngjià) Bargaining

Beginner Level / 初级chūjí

Gùkè: Qĭngwèn zhè tiáo kùzi duōshăo qián? 顾客:请问         这   条   裤子    多少     钱? Customer: Excuse me, how much are these pants? Shòuhuòyuán: Yībăi sānshí yuán. 售货员:          130               元。 Shop Assistant: 130. Gùkè: Yŏu  zhékòu ma? 顾客:有       折扣    …

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