Do You Know How to Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival?

A test of basic Chinese conversation:

Nǐ zhīdào Zhōngguórén rúhé qìngzhù zhōngqiūjié ma? A:你知道中国人如何庆祝中秋节吗?

Tāmen chángcháng zài zhōngqiūjié de shíhòu chī yuèbǐng, chī tuányuán fàn huòzhě shǎngyuè. B:他们常常在中秋节的时候吃月饼、吃团圆饭或者赏月。

Which of the following is not a specific custom or traditional activity during China’s Mid-Autumn Festival?

A:吃月饼 …

Character Types of Chinese Traditional Operas

Zhōngguó chuántǒng xìqǔ lìshǐ yōujiǔ, yuányuǎnliúcháng, 中国传统戏曲历史悠久,源远流长, tā shì zhōnghuá mínzú wénhuà yìshù pǐnzhǒng zhī yī. 它是中华民族文化艺术品种之一。 Chinese traditional operas, of a long history and well established, are one of the cultural and artistic forms of the Chinese nation.

Zhèxiē gǔlǎo de jùzhǒng, zhìjīn huóyuè …

Answer to Take a Quiz and See If You Know North China from South China

Answer: D Analysis: Yìfāng shuǐtǔ yǎng yìfāng rén, yóuyú nánběi fāng dìlǐ wèizhì, qìhòu tiáojiàn de bùtóng, 一方水土养一方人。由于南北方地理位置、气候条件的不同, rénmen gèzì de yǐnshí xíguàn yǔ yǐnshí wénhuà yě bújìn xiāngtóng. 人们各自的饮食习惯与饮食文化也不尽相同。 The unique features of a local environment always provide certain characteristics to its inhabitants. Due …

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