Current Events-汶川地震一周年纪念 (wèn chuān dì zhèn yì zhōu nián jì niàn) One Year Anniversary of Wenchuan Earthquake

A year after the devastating May 12, 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, people across China and around the world are still deeply concerned about the fate of the quake-affected people. Memories from the disaster and the government’s effective response are still fresh. The following are excerpts from …

Conversation-打出租车(dǎ chū zū chē) Take a Taxi

打出租车 (Dǎ chūzūchē) Take a Taxi

Sī jī: Zǎoshang hǎo. Huānyíng nín dào Běijīng lái. Nín yào qù nǎ? 司机:早上好。欢迎您到北京来。您要去哪? Driver: Good morning! Welcome to Beijing. Can I help you?

Julia: Wǒ yào qù Běijīngjiŭdiàn. Wǒ kěyĭ bǎ xíngli fàng zài chē hòuxiāng ma? Julia:我要去北京酒店。我可以把行李放在车后厢吗? …

Mandarin Language

Standard Mandarin language – also known as standard Chinese, standard Mandarin language or standard spoken Chinese – is the official language of the People’s Republic of China. “The phonology of standard Mandarin language is based on the Beijing dialect, one of Mandarin’s most popular dialects, …

Chinese Nursery Rhyme – 骄傲的大公鸡(Jiāoào de Dà Gōngjī) The Big Proud Rooster

Wŏ shì yìzhī dà gōngjī, 我   是 一只  大 公鸡, I’m a big rooster,

Wō wō wō, 喔   喔  喔, Cock-a-doodle-doo,

Dài jīnguān, 戴    金冠, I wear a gold crown,

Chuān huāyī. 穿         花衣。 And bright-colored clothes.

Zhǐyào wŏ wō wō wō jiào yìshēng, 只要     …

订票(DìngPiào) Making Reservations for Seats

(Diànhuà lùyīn: (电话        录音: (Recorded Message: Nínhăo,ChángHé jùyuàn. 您 好, 长河          剧 院。 Welcome to the Changhe Theater. Dìngpiào qĭng àn yī, cháxún jiémù qĭng àn èr, réngōng fúwù qĭng àn sān, fănhuí qĭng àn líng.) 订票        请    按   1,查询  节目   请   按  2,人工      服务   …

2009 China Tennis Open – 中国网球公开赛 (Zhōngguó wăngqiú gōngkāisài)

2009 中国网球公开赛(Zhōngguó wăngqiú gōngkāisài) 2009 China Tennis Open

中国网球公开赛(Zhōngguó wăngqiú gōngkāisài) The China Tennis Open Tournament was held on October 2nd, 2009. During the China Open women’s singles tournament going into the quarter finals, a Chinese tennis player, 彭帅(Péng Shuài) Peng Shuai became a 焦点(jiāodiăn) …

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