Answer to How Well Do You Know the Use of Double Negatives in Chinese ?

Answer: 1. B


Lì Li: Jīntiān yǒu diǎnr lěng a. 丽丽:今天有点儿冷啊。 Lily: It’s a little cold today.

Xiǎo Xīn: Shì a, nǐ hái chuān de zhè me shǎo, (fēi) gǎnmào (bùkě). 小新:是啊,你还穿得这么少,非感冒不可。 Xiao Xin: Yeah, you’re wearing so little that you’re certain to …

Answer to Using Current Events to Learn Chinese Emotions

Answers: 1. C     2. D     3. A    4. B


担心 (Dānxīn) worry; feel anxious

欢喜 (Huānxǐ) joy

痛心 (Tòngxīn) pained; distressed; grieved

可怕 (Kěpà) awful; terrible; horrible

    Zuówǎn, Bālíshèngmǔyuàn fāshēng dàhuǒ, zhēn ràng rén tòngxīn. 1. 昨晚,巴黎圣母院发生大火,真让人痛心。     Last night, there was a big fire …

Answer to The Hidden Treasures of the Chinese Foodie World That Visitors Shouldn’t Miss! (Part Two)

Answer: 1. C


Xiǎo Xīn: Míng ming, yìqǐ qù chī lán zhōu lāmiàn ba. 小新:明明, 一起去吃兰州拉面吧。 Xiao Xin: Ming, let’s go to eat Lanzhou noodles.

Míng ming: Bǐ qǐ lán zhōu lāmiàn, wǒ gèng xiǎng chī shā xiàn xiǎochī. 明明:比起兰州拉面,我更想吃沙县小吃。 Ming Ming: I would …

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