新月 (xīnyuè) New Moon and 聊斋志异 (Liáozhāizhìyì) Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio

新月 (Xīnyuè) New Moon and 聊斋志异 (Liáozhāizhìyì) Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio Key Learning Points (Preview):

电影(diànyǐng): n. movie

The release of the new movie “新月 (Xīnyuè) New Moon” “刷新 (shuāxīn) broke a lot of records.” It left Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Harry …

大餐 (dàcān) Sumptuous Meal (Intermediate)

大餐 (dàcān) Sumptuous Meal  

“大餐(dàcān)” are the Chinese characters for “Sumptuous Meal.” The

character “大 (dà)” means big or sumptuous and the character “餐 (cān)”

means meal.


Wǒ shèngdànjié wǎnshang yào hé péngyou yìqǐ qù chī dàcān. 我圣诞节晚上要和朋友一起去吃大餐。

I’m going to have a sumptuous …

圣诞老人 (shèngdàn lǎorén) Santa Claus (Beginner)

圣诞老人 (shèngdàn lǎorén) Santa Claus  “圣诞老人 (shèngdàn lǎorén)” are the Chinese characters for “Santa Claus.” The character “圣 (shèng)” means saint; “诞 (dàn)” means birth; “老 (lǎo)” means old, and “人 (rén)” means person.


Nǐ zhīdào shèngdàn lǎorén xiànzài duō dà niánlíng ma? 你知道圣诞老人现在多大年龄吗? …

糖果 (tángguǒ) Candy (Beginner)

糖果 (tángguǒ) Candy 

“糖果 (tángguǒ)” are the Chinese characters for “Candy.” The character

“糖 (táng)” means sugar or sweets and the character “果 (guǒ)” means


Example: Měi nián shèngdànjié de shíhou, tángguǒ de xiāoliàng dōu hěn hǎo. 每年圣诞节的时候,糖果的销量都很好。

Candy sells well at every Christmas. …

圣诞节 (shèngdànjié) Christmas (Beginner)

圣诞节 (shèngdànjié) Christmas 

“圣诞节 (shèngdànjié)” are the Chinese characters for “Christmas.” The character “圣 (shèng)” means saint; “诞 (dàn)” means birth, and “节

(jié)”  means festival.

Example: Yuèláiyuèduō de zhōngguórén yě kāishǐ guò shèngdànjié. 越来越多的中国人也开始过圣诞节。

More and more Chinese people have begun to celebrate Christmas.…

平安夜 (píng’ān yè) Christmas Eve (Beginner)

平安夜 (píng’ān yè) Christmas Eve 

“平安夜 (píng’ānyè)” are the Chinese characters for “Christmas Eve.”

The character “平 (píng)” means flat; “安 (ān)” means peace or safe, and “夜 (yè)” means night.


Xiàn zài hěnduō niánqīngrén xuǎnzé hé fùmǔ yìqǐ guò píng ān yè. 现在很多年轻人选择和父母一起过平安夜。 …

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