What’s Your Style? (Beginner)


       Nǐ kàn Lady Gaga Xiānggǎng yǎnchànghuì le ma? Jen: 你看   Lady Gaga  香港              演唱会      了 吗?        Have you seen the Lady Gaga Live concert in Hong Kong?

       Dāngrán le, nà kě zhēn shì shízú de Lady Gaga fànr a. Lily: 当然      了,那可  真     是  …

Wearing a Sachet on Dragon Boat Festival (Elementary)

Key Learning Points (Preview):

戴香包 (dài xiāngbāo) v. to wear the sachet

香 (xiāng) adj. fragrant/delicious

It’s widely known that people enjoy “粽子 (zòngzi) rice dumplings” and “赛龙舟 (sài lóngzhōu) dragon-boat races” during the annual Dragon Boat Festival, but amongst all the customs, the most …

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