Answer Key – Insider’s Guide to Chinese Study Hacks

Answer: C


Nǐ gāngcái zuò shénme le? 你刚才做什么了? What did you do just now?

Wǒ gāngcái kàn le Chénglóng lìxiǎn jì. 我刚才看了《成龙历险记》 。 I watched Jackie Chan Adventures just now.

歌曲 (Gēqǔ)

舞蹈 (Wǔdǎo)

动画片 (Dònghuàpiān)

“成龙历险记 (Chénglóng lìxiǎn jì) Jackie Chan Adventures” is …

Character Types of Chinese Traditional Operas

Zhōngguó chuántǒng xìqǔ lìshǐ yōujiǔ, yuányuǎnliúcháng, 中国传统戏曲历史悠久,源远流长, tā shì zhōnghuá mínzú wénhuà yìshù pǐnzhǒng zhī yī. 它是中华民族文化艺术品种之一。 Chinese traditional operas, of a long history and well established, are one of the cultural and artistic forms of the Chinese nation.

Zhèxiē gǔlǎo de jùzhǒng, zhìjīn huóyuè …

Challenging Chinese Grammar Quiz

Please choose the sentence with the error. (   )

    Xīguā hé xiāngjiāo děng shuǐguǒ hányǒu fēngfù de wéishēngsù. A. 西瓜和香蕉等水果含有丰富的维生素。

    Zhè xiàng gōngchéng zhìshǎo xūyào 5 nián cáinéng wángōng. B. 这项工程至少需要5年才能完工。

    Shīzi shì yì zhǒng wēiměng de dòngwù. C. 狮子是一种威猛的动物。

    Zhège chāoshì chūshòu píjiǔ, qìshuǐ …

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