富与贵(Fù yŭ guì)Rich and Expensive

Lăoshī: Sānzhōngquánhuì hòu, zhōngguó zuì dà de biànhuà shì shénme? 老师:            三中全会        后,  中国       最  大 的   变化     是   什么? Teacher: What was the greatest change in China after the Third Plenary Session? Xuésheng: Sānzhōngquánhuì hòu, zhōngguó zuì dà de biànhuà shì nóngmín yuè lái …

狐假虎威 (Hújiăhŭwēi) To Bully Others by Flaunting One’s Powerful Connections

Zài sēnlín lĭ,   láohŭ shì zuì xiōngmĕng de yĕshòu. 在森林里,老虎是最凶猛的野兽。

The tiger is the most ferocious animal in the forest.

Yì tiān, tā zhuōdào yì zhī  húli, jiăohuá de húli  jiù shuō:”Nĭ zĕn me găn chī wŏ? Wŏ shì tiāndì rènmìng lái guánlĭ suóyŏu yĕshòu …

Answer to the Exercise on Don’t Be Rude! Count People the Right Way Using “个(gè),”  “位 (wèi)” and “口(kǒu)”

Correct Answer: B In the Chinese language, different measure words are used along with different nouns. Today, we will help you learn three measure words for counting people which are “个(gè),” “位(wèi),” and “口(kǒu).” All of them are used in the same format: numeral + …

Let’s Sing a Chinese Nursery Rhyme!-一双小小手(yì shuānɡ xiǎo xiǎo shǒu) A Pair Of Small Hands

Yì shuānɡ xiǎo xiǎoshǒu, 一    双       小     小手,  One pair of small hands,

Shí ɡè shǒu zhǐtou, 十   个   手      指头。   With ten fingers.

Bān shǒu suàn suànshù, 扳      手      算      算术,   We account with the fingers,

Yī  sān wǔ qī  jiǔ. 一  三   五   …

Chinese Nursery Rhyme-两只手(liǎng zhī shǒu) Two Hands

Yìzhī shǒu, liǎngzhī shǒu, 一 只  手,   两只      手, One hand, two hands,

Wò chéng liǎngzhī xiǎo quántou, 握    成       两只      小    拳头, Make them into two little fists.

Xiǎo quántou shēn kāi lái, 小     拳头       伸     开 来, Stretch your fists open.

Zhǎng chū …

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