“七上八下(qī shàng bā xià)” and Why Do Chinese Hate It?

While learning Chinese, we have become familiar with the numbers “七(qī) seven,” “八(bā) eight,” and the two verbs “上 (shàng) up,” and “下 (xià) down.” Such as, “七天 (qī tiān) seven days, ” “八点(bā diǎn) eight o’clock,” “上楼 (shànglóu) go upstairs,” and “下山 (xiàshān) go …

Chinese Nursery Rhyme-大雨和小雨(Dàyǔ Hé Xiǎoyǔ): Heavy Rain And Light Rain

Dàyǔ Hé Xiǎoyǔ 大雨  和   小雨

Heavy Rain and Light Rain

Dàyǔ huā lālā, 大雨    哗 啦啦, Heavy rain shatters,

xiǎoyǔ xī lìlì, 小雨   淅沥沥, Light rain patters,

huā lālā xī lìlì, 哗  啦啦淅沥沥, Shatters, patters,

xiǎocǎo xiào xīxī. 小草       笑  嘻嘻。 The grass is …

Answers to the Online Chinese Exercises on the Difference between “短(duǎn)” and “矮(ǎi)”

Answer: B

In this Chinese test, it is easy for us to get rid of answer C. 好(hǎo). In Annie’s response, there is a disjunctive conjunction “但是(dànshì),” which means “but.” Annie said the holiday was very good, then she added, “但是(dànshì)……” which means there would …

Chinese Nursery Rhyme: 中秋节(Zhōngqiūjié) Mid-Autumn Festival

Zhōngqiūjié 中秋节 Mid-autumn Festival

Zhōngqiūjié, yuèguāngguāng, 中秋节,       月 光光, Mid-autumn Festival, the moon is shining,

Quánjiā yìqǐ kàn yuèliɑng. 全家      一起 看  月亮。 All of us get together to see the moon.

Yuè ér yuán, yuè ér liàng, 月    儿 圆,   月  儿  亮, The …

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