Origin of Moon Cakes: The Revolt of Zhu Yuanzhang (Intermediate)

Origin of Moon Cakes: The Revolt of Zhu Yuanzhang

Key Learning Points (Preview): 起义 (qǐyì): n. revolt/uprising

月饼 (yuèbǐng): n. moon cake

团圆/团聚 (tuányuán/tuánjù): n. reunion

愿望 (yuànwang): n. wish/desire

抗/反抗 (kàng/fǎnkàng): v. to resist/to fight against

Learn Chinese Online:Origin of Moon Cakes

Zhōngqiūjié de …

画饼充饥 (Huàbǐngchōngjī) Drawing Pancakes to Stave off Hunger (Beginner)

画饼充饥 (Huàbǐngchōngjī) Drawing Pancakes to Stave off Hunger

In Chinese idiom “画饼充饥 (huàbǐngchōngjī) ,”  “画 (huà)” means “to draw;” “饼 (bǐng)” refers to “pancakes;” “充 (chōng)” is “to fill or stuff sth,” which indicates “to stave off or to relieve” in this Chinese idiom; “饥 …

Quote of the week (Sept. 7, 2010)

Wǒ xīwàng Yáo Míng huīfù jiànkāng bìngqiě nénggòu huíguī.

我   希望      姚    明    恢复    健康       并且      能够       回归。

I hope Yao Ming will get better and return to his team.  —From “科比•布莱恩特 (Kēbǐ•Bùlái’ēntè) Kobe Bryant,” on Aug. 16, 2010.

Mandarin Language Vocabulary:

我 (wǒ): pron. …

Chinese For Kids: An Old Man In The Frontier Lost His Horse (Intermediate)

塞翁失马 (Sàiwēngshīmǎ) An Old Man in Frontier Lost His Horse—A Blessing in Disguise (Intermediate)

Key Learning Points (Preview):

邻居 (línjū): n.neighbor

听说 (tīngshuō): v. to hear

带来 (dàilái): v. to bring

Zhànguó shí, yí wèi xìng Sài de lǎorén yǎngle xǔduō mǎ. 战国         时,一位 姓     …

Quote of the week (Aug. 24, 2010)

Jílì    hé Wò’ěrwò dào xiànzài wéi zhǐ jiéhūn yíshì wán le, 吉利 和  沃尔沃    到    现在    为  止  结婚   仪式  完   了, yě rù dòngfáng le,  xiànzài pàn de jiù shì háizi. 也 入   洞房      了,现在    盼   的 就 是 孩子。

So far, Geely and …

Quote of the week (Jul. 27, 2010)

Chāopiào zhǐyǒu yòng diào le yǐhòu cái shì nǐ  de, 钞票          只有     用    掉    了 以后 才  是 你 的, dǎ kāi píjiāzi,   kànkan méiyǒu yòng diào de chāopiào, 打 开 皮夹子,看看     没有       用    掉   的     钞票, shàngmian yìn de shì “Zhōngguó rénmín yínháng,” gēn …

Chinese Story for Kids: 盲人摸象 Blind Men and an Elephant (Beginner)

盲人摸象 (Mángrén mō xiàng) Blind Men and an Elephant

Key Learning Points (Preview):

牙齿 (yáchǐ): n. teeth

象 (xiàng): n. elephant

Cóngqián, yǒu sì gè mángrén hěn xiǎng zhīdào dàxiàng shì shénme yàngzi. 从前,       有   四 个    盲人    很    想      知道    大象      是    什么     样子。…

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