Chinese Nursery Rhym: 小花猫 (Xiǎohuāmāo) The Little Cat

Xiǎohuāmāo 小花猫

The Little Cat Xiǎohuāmāo zhēn měilì. 小花猫          真     美丽。

The little cat is so pretty.  

Yìtiāndàowǎn xiàomīmi. 一天到晚         笑眯眯。

It smiles all day long.

Xiǎohuāmāo wǒ ài nǐ. 小花猫          我 爱 你。

Little cat, I love you.

Qǐng nǐ tóng wǒ lái yóuxì. …

Learn how to convey authentic expressions of time in Chinese

1. Answer: 昨天(zuótiān) According to its translation, “昨天(zuótiān)” should be filled in the blank. Some commonly used expressions concerning “天(tiān)” in Chinese are as follows:

qiántiān zuótiān jīntiān mínɡtiān hòutiān 前天 昨天 今天 明天 后天 the day before yesterday yesterday today tomorrow the day after…

Chinese Tongue Twister: Three-Stone Mountain (Beginner)

三石山 (Sānshíshān) Three-stone Mountain

Wǒjiā zhùzài Sānshíshān, 我家    住在    三石山,

My family is living on the Three-stone Mountain.

shānqián shānhòu sānzuòshān, 山前         山后        三座山,

Front and back, there are three mountains in total.

shānxià yǒuzuò shuǐdiànzhàn, 山下      有座      水电站,

A hydropower station is located at …

Chinese Nursery Song: Clap Your Hands (Elementary)

小手拍拍 (xiǎoshǒu pāipāi): Clap Your Hands

Xiǎoshǒu pāipāi, xiǎoshǒu pāipāi. 小手          拍拍,   小手      拍拍。

Clap, clap, clap. Shǒuzhǐ shēn chūlái, shǒuzhǐ shēn chūlái. 手指        伸     出来,  手指     伸     出来。

Stretch your finger out. Yǎnjing zài nǎlǐ? 眼睛      在  哪里?

Where are your eyes? Yǎnjing zài …

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