孟母三迁 Mencius’ Mother Relocates Home Three Times to Improve Her Son’s Education (Beginner)

孟母三迁 (Mèngmǔ sān qiān) Mencius’ Mother Relocates Home Three Times to Improve Her Son’s Education

Key Learning Points (Preview):

学习 (xuéxí): v to learn/to study

儿子 (érzi): n son

Once upon a time, there was a “淘气 (táoqì) naughty” boy named Mencius. At the beginning, …

Popular Daily Chinese Word “赞 (zàn) Marvelous” (Intermediate)

流行词语 (liúxíng cíyǔ) Popular Chinese Word  (Intermediate)

赞 (zàn) Marvelous


“赞 (zàn)” originally means “to praise.” For instance, “赞美” and “称赞” both mean to praise. We also have a popular Chinese expression starting with “赞,” that is “赞不绝口 (zànbùjuékǒu) to praise profusely.” For example: 他对你赞不绝口 …

Quote of the week (May 19, 2010)

Huáicái jiù xiàng huáiyùn, shíjiān jiǔ le  cái néng kàn chūlái. 怀才      就 像      怀孕,   时间   久 了 才   能    看   出来。

It takes a long time to find one’s talent just as it takes long to find out someone is pregnant.                                         —From 易中天 Yi …

看病挂号 Registration in a Hospital (Intermediate)

看病挂号 (kànbìng guàhào) Registration in a Hospital (Intermediate) Key Learning Points (Preview):

舒服 (shūfu): adj comfortable

挂号 (guàhào): n/v registration / to register

There is a well-known Chinese saying “身体是革命的本钱 (Shēntǐ shì gémìng de běnqián) Health is the foundation for conducting revolutionary work.” You should …

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