Chinese Test: I’m Sorry, I’m Late. (Elementary)

Elementary Level 初级 (chūjí)


Scene: It is Nate and Ellen’s first date, but Nate is late.

          Duìbuqǐ, wǒ chídào le. Nate: 对不起,我  迟到    了。

          Nǐ zěnme huí shì a? Dì yī cì yuēhuì jiù chídào. Ellen: 你怎么     回   事啊?第一次 约会   就 迟到。

          Gānggāng yì …

Chinese Test: Sorry, I’m just not in love with you. (Beginner)

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)


Scene: Lucy and Nick are planning to get married, but Lucy wants to break up.

          Nick, wǒmen fēnshǒu ba. Lucy: Nick, 我们     分手       吧。

          Shénme? Nǐ fēngle ma!?  Nick: 什么?     你 疯了   吗!?

          Duìbùqǐ, wǒ yǐjīng bú ài nǐ le. …

Chinese Idiom: 百发百中 One hundred shots, one hundred hits.

Key Learning Points (Preview):

能手 (néngshǒu): n. an expert/someone who masters a certain skill perfectly

中 (zhòng): v. to hit

Listen to the whole idiom story

Yǎng Yóujī shì gǔdài zhùmíng de shèjiàn néngshǒu. 养       由基 是    古代    著名       的   射箭        能手。

Yang Youji was …

Chinese Test: What Does “追 (zhuī)” Imply in Chinese?

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)


        Kàn nàge nǚháir, wǒ tǐng xǐhuan tā de.   Dan: 看   那个 女孩儿,我  挺   喜欢   她的。                      Nà jiù gǎnjǐn zhuī ya, cuòguòle kě jiù láibují le.  Tom: 那就   赶紧      追  呀, 错过 了  可就    来不及了。

What does “追 (zhuī)” Imply here? …

Chinese Test: Hurry up. It’s too late!

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)


          Láibùjí le, mòbānchē zǒu le. Anne: 来不及了,末班车      走  了。

Āi, yòu děi dǎchē huíjiā le.  Tina: 哎,又  得   打车   回家 了。

Based on the conversation above choose the correct answer.

What does “来不及 (láibùjí)” mean in the dialogue?

A: Come …

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