Movie: Alice in Wonderland (Intermediate)

Movie: Alice in Wonderland (Intermediate) Key Learning Points (Preview):

梦游 (mèngyóu): n sleepwalking

梦想 (mèngxiǎng): v/n to dream of/dream

白日梦 (báirìmèng): n daydream

A:Zuìjìn de sānwéi lìtǐ diànyǐng zhēn jīngcǎi! 最近  的   三维 立体 电影      真     精彩! The recent 3D movies are really wonderful!

B:Shì,Bǐrú …

Quote of the week (Apr. 20, 2010)

Chéngzhǎng jiù huì chūchǒu, chūchǒu cái huì chéngzhǎng. 成       长       就 会   出丑,        出丑    才 会    成    长。

Making a fool of yourself is just part of your growing process. And only after that can you grow up.                                –From “刘一秒 (Liú Yìmiǎo) Liu Yimiao,” one …

可口可乐与中国计谋 Coca-Cola and Ancient Chinese Stratagems (Advanced)

可口可乐与中国计谋 (Kěkǒu kělè yǔ Zhōngguó jìmóu) Coca-Cola and Ancient Chinese Stratagems (Advanced) Key Learning Points (Preview):

三十六计 (sānshíliùjì): n thirty six stratagems

欲擒故纵 (yùqín gùzòng): n/v to catch something, first set it free

利润 (lìrùn): n profit

More than 20 years ago, “可口可乐 (kěkǒu kělè) …

Peyton Manning vs. Justin Timberlake in a Ping-Pong Match (Beginner)

Peyton Manning vs. Justin Timberlake in a Ping-Pong Match (Beginner)

In the following Sony commercial, American pop musician and actor Justin Timberlake and Indianapolis Colts quarterback, Peyton Manning, square off in a ping-pong match and try out their Mandarin:

When Peyton Manning said, “我的中文也有进步 (Wǒ …

Quote of the week (Apr. 1, 2010)

Zánliǎ de gǎnqíng xiàng rénmínbì yíyàng jiāntǐng. 咱 俩  的    感情      像     人民币     一样      坚挺。

Our relationship is as strong as Renminbi (RMB).                                  —From Guo Jingming, a famous Chinese writer


生词 (shēngcí) Vocabulary

感情 (gǎnqíng): n relationship

人民币 (rénmínbì): n Renminbi (RMB), the Chinese currency.…

寄一封慢信给未来 Deliver A “Slow Letter” to the Future (Beginner)

寄一封慢信给未来 (Jì yìfēng màn xìn gěi wèilái) Deliver A “Slow Letter” to the Future (Beginner)

Key Learning Points (Preview):

熊猫 (xióngmāo): n panda

鼓励 (gǔlì): v to encourage

感激 (gǎnjī): n gratitude

Recently a “特别的 (tèbiéde) special” company, whose primary service is delivering “slow” letters …

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