Mini-Test Answer: Either

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The correct answer for this online Chinese test is C.


   Jīntiān chī jiǎozi háishì chī miàntiáo? A:今天    吃 饺子   还是    吃   面条? What do you want to eat today, dumplings or noodles?

   Dōu xíng. B: 都   行。 Either is okay.…

The Eastern Carnival-火把节 The Torch Festival

Online Mandarin Chinese: The Eastern Carnival-火把节 (Huǒbǎjié) The Torch Festival Key Learning Points (Preview):

节日(jiérì): n. festival

旅行(lǚxíng): v. to travel

“火把节 (cHuǒbǎ jié) The Torch Festival” is an ancient and important traditional “节日 (jiérì) festival” for various ethnic groups such as “彝、白、纳西 (Yí, Bái, …

Mini-Test Answer: bāozi

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The right answer for this Chinese test is A.


A. “bāozi” is the Chinese pinyin for “包子 steamed stuffed bun.” B. “bàozhǐ” is the Chinese pinyin for “报纸 newspaper.” C. “bàozhe” is the Chinese pinyin for “抱着 to hold.”

Distinguish …

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