Kids’ Chinese Story: 小猫钓鱼 Little Cat Goes Fishing (Beginner)

小猫钓鱼 (Xiǎomāo diàoyú) Little Cat Goes Fishing (Beginner)

Key Learning Points (Preview):

飞机 (fēijī): n. plane

一心一意 (yìxīnyíyì): adj. focused

Yì tiān, xiǎo māo gēn māo māma qù diàoyú. 一 天, 小    猫    跟    猫    妈妈   去  钓鱼。 One day, a little cat goes fishing …

Chinese Song – 好宝宝(Hǎobǎobao) Good Child

Tiān lánlán, báiyún piāo, bēiqǐ xiǎoshūbāo. 天     蓝蓝,白云 飘, 背起  小书包。 The sky is blue with floating white clouds, and I carry my little bag.

Huār kāi, niǎor jiào, tàiyáng gōnggong xiào. 花儿 开,鸟儿  叫, 太阳     公公           笑。 The flowers bloom, the birds sing, and …

Chinese Song – 雪绒花(Xuěrónghuā) Edelweiss

Xuěrónghuā, xuěrónghuā, 雪绒花,        雪绒花, Edelweiss, Edelweiss,

Qīngchén yíngzhe wǒ kāifàng. 清晨          迎着      我  开放。 Every morning you greet me.

Xiǎo ér bái, jié ér liàng, 小   而 白,洁 而 亮, Small and white, clearn and bright,

Xiàng wǒ kuàilède yáohuàng. 向       我  快乐地   摇晃。 You …

Is “Pidan” the Most Disgusting Food in the World? Chinese People Would Say No!

While the Chinese consider “皮蛋 (pídàn),” commonly known as “preserved egg,” “century egg,” “hundred-year egg,” “thousand-year-old egg,” and “millennium egg” in English, a special delicacy, many foreigners find its taste unappealing.

Let’s see how some foreigners respond to their first taste of “皮蛋(pídàn)!”

The video …

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