Kids’ Chinese Idiom: 指鹿为马 Deer Or Horse? (Intermediate)

Key Learning Points (Preview): 千里马 (qiānlǐmǎ): n. a swift horse

明明 (míngmíng): adv. obviously; undoubtedly

Listen to the whole story:

Zhège chéngyǔ gùshì de míngzi jiào zuò: zhǐlùwéimǎ. 这个     成语      故事    的 名字    叫    做:指鹿为马。

The name of this idiomatic story is “Deer or Horse?” …

Mandarin Lesson: Salutations in Chinese Letters (Intermediate)

中文书信的称呼(Zhōngwén shūxìn de chēnghū) Salutations in Chinese letters

Zhōngguó bèi yùwéi “lǐyízhībāng.” 中国           被   誉为 “礼仪之邦”。 Wúlùn zài rìcháng shēnghuó háishì shāngwù huódòng zhōng, 无论    在   日常      生活         还是     商务          活动        中, Zhōngguórén yìzhí dōu hěn zhùyì lǐyí. 中国人           一直   都   很   注意 礼仪。 China …

“最中国”的中国字 The Most “Chinese” Chinese Characters (Intermediate)

“最中国”的中国字The Most “Chinese” Chinese Characters Listen to the whole story Key Learning Points (Preview)

和谐 (héxié): n. harmony

反映 (fǎnyìng): v. to reflect

推崇 (tuīchóng) v. to praise highly

Lā’ěrfū.Àimòshēng shuō, wǒmen kěyǐ cóng yìguó de yǔyán 拉尔夫  爱默生           说,我们    可以   从    一国  的 语言 …

Exchange Rate of the Chinese RMB (Intermediate)

Key Learning Point:

商务用语 (shāngwù yòngyǔ) Business vocabulary

Listen to the whole passage

Look at the short business report:

Jìn jǐ nián lái, rénmínbì huìlǜ wèntí chéngwéi guónèiwài guānzhù de jiāodiǎn. 近 几年 来,人民币     汇率 问题    成为         国内外      关注      的     焦点。 In recent years, governments …

Chinese For Kids: An Old Man In The Frontier Lost His Horse (Intermediate)

塞翁失马 (Sàiwēngshīmǎ) An Old Man in Frontier Lost His Horse—A Blessing in Disguise (Intermediate)

Key Learning Points (Preview):

邻居 (línjū): n.neighbor

听说 (tīngshuō): v. to hear

带来 (dàilái): v. to bring

Zhànguó shí, yí wèi xìng Sài de lǎorén yǎngle xǔduō mǎ. 战国         时,一位 姓     …

Chinese Story for Kids: 盲人摸象 Blind Men and an Elephant (Beginner)

盲人摸象 (Mángrén mō xiàng) Blind Men and an Elephant

Key Learning Points (Preview):

牙齿 (yáchǐ): n. teeth

象 (xiàng): n. elephant

Cóngqián, yǒu sì gè mángrén hěn xiǎng zhīdào dàxiàng shì shénme yàngzi. 从前,       有   四 个    盲人    很    想      知道    大象      是    什么     样子。…

Chinese Mini-test: To Ask for Taking Some Time Off (From Work) (Intermediate)

Intermediate Level 中级 (zhōngjí)

Wǒ xiàzhōu de gōngzuò jiù jiāogěi nǐ le, yīnwèi wǒ yào           qù kàn 2010 Shànghǎi A: 我     下周    的    工作    就   交给  你 了,因为  我  要             去  看 2010   上海 Shìbóhuì la! 世博会    啦! I’ll hand over my next week’s work …

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