Quote of Week (Dec. 31, 2010)

Hūnyīn zěnme xuǎn dōu shì cuò de, chángjiǔ de hūnyīn jiùshì jiāngcuòjiùcuò. 婚姻     怎么    选     都    是   错 的, 长久     的    婚姻    就是    将错就错。

No matter how you choose to marry, it’s a mistake. To stay married long-term is to make the best of the …

Quote of the Week (Nov. 19, 2010)

Wǒ juéde shìbó yīngggāi yǒngyuǎn yǒngyuǎn de chíxù xiàqu, 我   觉得   世博    应该       永远          永远        地  持续 下去, wǒ zhēnxīn de xīwàng shìjiè shàng de měi yígè rén 我 真心      地  希望     世界   上      的  每   一个 人 dōu kěyǐ hùxiāng xuéxí qítā guójiā. 都   …

Mandarin Lesson: Salutations in Chinese Letters (Intermediate)

中文书信的称呼(Zhōngwén shūxìn de chēnghū) Salutations in Chinese letters

Zhōngguó bèi yùwéi “lǐyízhībāng.” 中国           被   誉为 “礼仪之邦”。 Wúlùn zài rìcháng shēnghuó háishì shāngwù huódòng zhōng, 无论    在   日常      生活         还是     商务          活动        中, Zhōngguórén yìzhí dōu hěn zhùyì lǐyí. 中国人           一直   都   很   注意 礼仪。 China …

“最中国”的中国字 The Most “Chinese” Chinese Characters (Intermediate)

“最中国”的中国字The Most “Chinese” Chinese Characters Listen to the whole story Key Learning Points (Preview)

和谐 (héxié): n. harmony

反映 (fǎnyìng): v. to reflect

推崇 (tuīchóng) v. to praise highly

Lā’ěrfū.Àimòshēng shuō, wǒmen kěyǐ cóng yìguó de yǔyán 拉尔夫  爱默生           说,我们    可以   从    一国  的 语言 …

Why Does a Chinese Husband Call His Wife’s Father “岳父 (Yuèfù)?” (Intermediate)

Why Does a Chinese Husband Call His Wife’s Father “岳父 (Yuèfù)?” (Intermediate)

Key Learning Points (Preview): 称呼 (chēnghū): n./v. form of address/ to call; to address

In China, husbands often call their wives’ father “岳父 (yuèfù).” The meaning of  “父 (fù) father” is rather easy …

Read Chinese story about 七夕节 (Qīxījié) Double Seven Festival (Chinese Valentine’s Day) (Beginner)

七夕节 (Qīxījié) Double Seven Festival (Chinese Valentine’s Day)

Key Learning Points (Preview):

鹊桥 (què qiáo): n. a bridge made up of magpies

七夕节 (Qīxījié): n. Double Seven Festival

中国情人节 (Zhōngguó Qíngrénjié): n. Chinese Valentine’s Day

The Double Seven Festival or Chinese Valentine’s Day is on …

吉祥物 (jíxiángwù) Mascot (Intermediate)

吉祥物(jíxiángwù)Mascot(Intermediate) The character “吉祥(jíxiáng)” means lucky and “物 (wù)” means thing or object.


Shànghǎi shìbóhuì de jíxiángwù  hǎo kě’ài ya. A:    上海         世博会  的   吉祥物     好  可爱  呀。 The Shanghai Expo’s mascot is so cute.

Èn,  wǒ zhīdào tā de míngzi jiào hǎibǎo,  wǒ …

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