新月 (xīnyuè) New Moon and 聊斋志异 (Liáozhāizhìyì) Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio

新月 (Xīnyuè) New Moon and 聊斋志异 (Liáozhāizhìyì) Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio Key Learning Points (Preview):

电影(diànyǐng): n. movie

The release of the new movie “新月 (Xīnyuè) New Moon” “刷新 (shuāxīn) broke a lot of records.” It left Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Harry …

“说曹操,曹操到(shuō Cáo Cāo, Cáo Cāo dào) Speak of the Devil and He Appears”

“说曹操,曹操到 (shuō Cáo Cāo, Cáo Cāo dào) Speak of the Devil and He Appears” 


The story about “说曹操,曹操到 (shuō Cáo Cāo, Cáo Cāo dào) speak of the devil and he appears” was from《三国演义(sānguó yǎnyì)》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

汉献帝 (Hàn Xiàndì) Han Xiandi …

Top 10 Chinese Business Quotations

1、Jīntiān hěn cánkù, míngtiān gèng cánkù, hòutiān hěn měihǎo, dàn jué dàduōshù rén dōu sǐ zài míngtiān wǎnshàng, kàn bú jiàn hòutiān de tàiyáng. 今天很残酷,明天更残酷, 后天很美好,但绝大多数人都死在明天晚上,看不见 后天的太阳。 Today is cruel and tomorrow is crueler. The day after tomorrow will be wonderful; however, most people die …

去网吧 (Qù wăngbā) Go to an Internet Cafe

去网吧 (Qù wăngbā) Go to an Internet Cafe   

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí) 

      Dărăo yí xià, qĭngwèn “Internet Cafe” yòng hànyŭ zěnme shuō?    A:打扰   一下,请问    “Internet Cafe”   用    汉语    怎么    说?        Excuse me, how to say “Internet Cafe” in Chinese?   Ò, zhège ya, wŏmen jiào wăngbā.  …

暑期计划 (shǔqī jìhuà) Summer Travel Plan

暑期计划 (shǔqī jìhuà) Summer Travel Plan   Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)  A: Shǔjià yǒu shěnme ānpái ma? 暑假有什么安排吗? Do you have any plans for your summer holiday?

B: Shǔjià wǒ cānjiā zhōngwén shǔqībān xué zhōngwén. 暑假我参加中文暑期班学中文。 I am going to take a summer Chinese program to…

中国工人入选时代周刊 Chinese Worker Selected as Time Magazine’s “Person of the Year”

中国工人入选时代周刊 (Zhōngguó gōngrén rùxuǎn shídài zhōukān) Chinese Worker Selected as Time Magazine’s “Person of the Year”

On Dec.16, 2009, “the Chinese worker” ended up ranking second in the selection of Time magazine’s prestigious “Person of the Year 2009.” They were the only group selected. Time …

Chinese Culture: Origin of “元旦 (Yuándàn) New Year’s Day”

Origin of “元旦 (Yuándàn) New Year’s Day”  Key Learning Point (Preview): 元旦 (Yuándàn) n. New Year’s Day  

“元旦(Yuándàn) New Year’s Day” has a three thousand-year history in China. In ancient times, “元旦 (Yuándàn)” was the “农历 (nónglì) lunar calendar” new year—today’s “春节 (Chūnjié) Spring Festival.” …

狂欢的日子来了 (Kuánghuān de rìzi lái le) Christmas Party

狂欢的日子来了 (Kuánghuān de rìzi lái le) Christmas Party Beginner level

初级 (chūjí)    

A:Dàjiā hǎo, shèngdàn kuàilè! 大家好,圣诞快乐! Hello, everyone. Merry Christmas! B: Nǐ hǎo, Lǐ nà! Nǐ yě kuài lè! 你好,李娜!你也快乐! Hi, Li Na! Same to you. A: Dàjiā dōu lái le mɑ? 大家都来了吗? …

圣诞老人吃饺子吗?Will Santa Claus Eat Dumplings on the Winter Solstice Day?

圣诞老人吃饺子吗?(Shèngdàn lǎorén chī jiǎozi ma?) 

Will Santa Claus Eat Dumplings on the Winter Solstice Day?

The “冬至 (dōngzhì) Winter Solstice” is one of the twenty-four “节气 (jiéqì) solar terms” and a traditional festival for “汉族 (hànzú) Han ethnic group.” Winter Solstice is a day …

隐形的翅膀 (Yǐnxíng De Chìbǎng ) Invisible Wings

隐形的翅膀 (Yǐnxíng De Chìbǎng ) Invisible Wings Listen to this song

Key Learning Points (Preview):

坚强 (jiānqiánɡ): n. strong 希望 (xīwànɡ): n/v. hope/to hope Měi yí cì dōu zài páihuái gūdān zhōng jiānqiáng, 每一次都在徘徊孤单中坚强, Every time in hesitation and loneliness I become stronger, Měi yí …

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