Learn Chinese IV

Learn Chinese Characters

There are over 80,000 Chinese characters, but most of them are seldom used today. So how many Chinese characters do you need to know? For basic reading and writing of modern Chinese, you only need a few thousands. Here are the coverage …

Answer Key – Insider’s Guide to Chinese Study Hacks

Answer: C


Nǐ gāngcái zuò shénme le? 你刚才做什么了? What did you do just now?

Wǒ gāngcái kàn le Chénglóng lìxiǎn jì. 我刚才看了《成龙历险记》 。 I watched Jackie Chan Adventures just now.

歌曲 (Gēqǔ)

舞蹈 (Wǔdǎo)

动画片 (Dònghuàpiān)

“成龙历险记 (Chénglóng lìxiǎn jì) Jackie Chan Adventures” is …

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