可口可乐与中国计谋 Coca-Cola and Ancient Chinese Stratagems (Advanced)

可口可乐与中国计谋 (Kěkǒu kělè yǔ Zhōngguó jìmóu) Coca-Cola and Ancient Chinese Stratagems (Advanced) Key Learning Points (Preview):

三十六计 (sānshíliùjì): n thirty six stratagems

欲擒故纵 (yùqín gùzòng): n/v to catch something, first set it free

利润 (lìrùn): n profit

More than 20 years ago, “可口可乐 (kěkǒu kělè) …

微波炉 (wēibōlú) Microwave Oven (Intermediate)

微波炉 (wēibōlú) Microwave Oven (Intermediate)


Wēibōlú shì yìzhǒng chángjiàn de jiāyòng diànqì. 微波炉    是    一种        常见    的      家用     电器。

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Top 10 Chinese Business Quotations

1、Jīntiān hěn cánkù, míngtiān gèng cánkù, hòutiān hěn měihǎo, dàn jué dàduōshù rén dōu sǐ zài míngtiān wǎnshàng, kàn bú jiàn hòutiān de tàiyáng. 今天很残酷,明天更残酷, 后天很美好,但绝大多数人都死在明天晚上,看不见 后天的太阳。 Today is cruel and tomorrow is crueler. The day after tomorrow will be wonderful; however, most people die …

中国工人入选时代周刊 Chinese Worker Selected as Time Magazine’s “Person of the Year”

中国工人入选时代周刊 (Zhōngguó gōngrén rùxuǎn shídài zhōukān) Chinese Worker Selected as Time Magazine’s “Person of the Year”

On Dec.16, 2009, “the Chinese worker” ended up ranking second in the selection of Time magazine’s prestigious “Person of the Year 2009.” They were the only group selected. Time …

随便 (suíbiàn) Casual/ Informal (Intermediate)

随便 (suíbiàn) Casual/Informal


The character “随 (suí)” means to comply with and “便 (biàn)” means convenience. Example: Tā píngshí zhuózhuāng hěn suíbiàn, cóngbù jiǎngjiu. 他平时着装很随便,从不讲究。 He usually dresses casually and never pays much attention to the way he dresses.


Got questions? // // …

大嘴巴 (dàzuǐba) Big Mouth (Intermediate)

大嘴巴 (dàzuǐba) Big Mouth

“大嘴巴 (dàzuǐba)” is the phrase for “Big mouth.” The character “大 (dà)” means big and “嘴巴 (zuǐba)” means mouth. Example: Nǐ kě qiānwàn bú yào bǎ zhège mìmì gàosu Lǐ Lì, tā kě shì chū le míng de dàzuǐba.  你可千万不要把这个秘密告诉李丽,她可是出了名的大嘴巴。

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