童年 (Tóngnián) Childhood

童年 (Tóngnián) Childhood


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等待 (děnɡdài): v. to wait

老师 (lǎoshī) n. teacher

Chítáng biān de róngshù shàng, zhīliao zài shēngshēng jiàozhe xiàtiān. 池塘       边   的    榕树      上,   知了   在       声声         叫着    夏天。 The cicadas in BANYAN TREES


Thanksgiving in Chinese

感恩节 (gǎn’ēnjié) is the Chinese phrase for Thanksgiving. Although traditionally people in China don’t celebrate Thanksgiving Day, now many young people do. They want to express thankfulness to all people who have helped them. The common Chinese saying “滴水之恩, 当涌泉相报 (Dī shuǐ …

点菜 (diăn cài) Order Dishes

Beginner Level / 初级chūjí

Fú wù yuán: Xiānsheng, nínhăo, nín xūyào diăn shénme? 服务员:先生, 您好, 您需要点什么? Waiter: Sir, can I help you please?

Gù kè: Wŏ  yào  yí fèn  niúpái. 顾客:我要一份牛排。 Customer: I’d like a steak.

Fú wù yuán: Hăo de, qĭng shāoděng. 服务员:好的,请稍等。 Waiter: …

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