Mini-test Answers: 约会 (yuēhuì)

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The correct answer for this Chinese test is A: 约会 (yuēhuì)


A: “约会 (yuēhuì)” are the Mandarin characters for “go on a date.”

B: “会议 (huìyì)” are the Mandarin characters for “meeting.”

C: “外出 (wàichū)” are the Mandarin characters for …

The Eastern Carnival-火把节 The Torch Festival

Online Mandarin Chinese: The Eastern Carnival-火把节 (Huǒbǎjié) The Torch Festival Key Learning Points (Preview):

节日(jiérì): n. festival

旅行(lǚxíng): v. to travel

“火把节 (cHuǒbǎ jié) The Torch Festival” is an ancient and important traditional “节日 (jiérì) festival” for various ethnic groups such as “彝、白、纳西 (Yí, Bái, …

Mini-Test Answer: Free

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The correct answer should be A.


     Zhège zhōurì nǐ yǒukòng ma? Wǒmen qù kàn Gōngfuxióngmāo ba? A: 这个       周日 你 有空       吗?   我们   去 看       功夫熊猫          吧?     Are you free this Sunday?  How about watching Kong Fu Panda with me?        …

Mini-Test Answer: Yes

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The right answer for this online Mandarin course is A.

     Nǐ xiǎng hē píjiǔ ma? A: 你 想     喝 啤酒 吗?      Would you like to drink some beer?

     Wǒ xiǎng hē yìdiǎnr. B: 我    想    喝 一点儿。     I would like to …

Single Boys and Girls Welcome “相亲 (xiāngqīn) Blind Date” in China

Single Boys and Girls Welcome “相亲 (xiāngqīn) Blind Date” in China (Advanced)

Key Learning Points (Preview): 相亲 (xiāngqīn): n./v. blind date/to have a blind date

剩男/剩女 (shèngnán/shèngnǚ) n.single boys/single girls

Struggling in the hustle and bustle of city life, many “剩男 (shèngnán) single boys” and …

The Four Beauties of Ancient China (Intermediate)

中国古代四大美女 (Zhōngguó gǔdài sì dà měinǚ) The Four Beauties of Ancient China

Key Learning Points (Preview): 美女 (měinǚ): n. beauty

含蓄 (hánxù): adj. reserved/implicit

温柔 (wēnróu): adj. gentle/tender

Throughout China’s five thousand year history, numerous heroic figures have emerged and captured the people’s fancy. But …

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