Chinese Nursery Rhyme: 中秋节(Zhōngqiūjié) Mid-Autumn Festival

Zhōngqiūjié 中秋节 Mid-autumn Festival

Zhōngqiūjié, yuèguāngguāng, 中秋节,       月 光光, Mid-autumn Festival, the moon is shining,

Quánjiā yìqǐ kàn yuèliɑng. 全家      一起 看  月亮。 All of us get together to see the moon.

Yuè ér yuán, yuè ér liàng, 月    儿 圆,   月  儿  亮, The …

Chinese Nursery Rhym: 小花猫 (Xiǎohuāmāo) The Little Cat

Xiǎohuāmāo 小花猫

The Little Cat Xiǎohuāmāo zhēn měilì. 小花猫          真     美丽。

The little cat is so pretty.  

Yìtiāndàowǎn xiàomīmi. 一天到晚         笑眯眯。

It smiles all day long.

Xiǎohuāmāo wǒ ài nǐ. 小花猫          我 爱 你。

Little cat, I love you.

Qǐng nǐ tóng wǒ lái yóuxì. …

In 2013,Chinese Dragon Boat Festival will be on the 12th of June

端午节 (Duānwǔ jié) Dragon Boat Festival

Dragon Boat Festival in Chinese is 端午节(Duānwǔ jié). It is on the fifth of May of lunar calendar. There are many legends about this traditional festival and the most popular one is “屈原 (Qū Yuán) QuYuan,” who was a …

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