Quote of the week (Sept. 20, 2010)

Wǒ xiànzài yǒu jiǔ jiàn xīzhuāng, dōushì Zhōngguó zhìzào de,  qítā  de dōu rēng diào le. 我   现在     有    9  件     西装,        都是    中国         制造   的,其他 的   都   扔     掉  了。 I now have nine suits, all made in China. I threw away the rest …

Quote of the week (Sept. 7, 2010)

Wǒ xīwàng Yáo Míng huīfù jiànkāng bìngqiě nénggòu huíguī.

我   希望      姚    明    恢复    健康       并且      能够       回归。

I hope Yao Ming will get better and return to his team.  —From “科比•布莱恩特 (Kēbǐ•Bùlái’ēntè) Kobe Bryant,” on Aug. 16, 2010.

Mandarin Language Vocabulary:

我 (wǒ): pron. …

Chinese For Kids: An Old Man In The Frontier Lost His Horse (Intermediate)

塞翁失马 (Sàiwēngshīmǎ) An Old Man in Frontier Lost His Horse—A Blessing in Disguise (Intermediate)

Key Learning Points (Preview):

邻居 (línjū): n.neighbor

听说 (tīngshuō): v. to hear

带来 (dàilái): v. to bring

Zhànguó shí, yí wèi xìng Sài de lǎorén yǎngle xǔduō mǎ. 战国         时,一位 姓     …

Read Chinese story about 七夕节 (Qīxījié) Double Seven Festival (Chinese Valentine’s Day) (Beginner)

七夕节 (Qīxījié) Double Seven Festival (Chinese Valentine’s Day)

Key Learning Points (Preview):

鹊桥 (què qiáo): n. a bridge made up of magpies

七夕节 (Qīxījié): n. Double Seven Festival

中国情人节 (Zhōngguó Qíngrénjié): n. Chinese Valentine’s Day

The Double Seven Festival or Chinese Valentine’s Day is on …

心急吃不了热豆腐 (xīn jí chī bù liǎo rè dòufu ) Haste Makes Waste (Advanced)

Learn Mandarin: 心急吃不了热豆腐 (xīn jí chī bù liǎo rè dòufu ) Haste Makes Waste (Advanced)


    Bié zháojí, xué hànyǔ xūyào yǒu nàixīn, yǒu héngxīn, xīn jí chī bù liǎo rè dòufu. A: 别    着急,学   汉语   需要   有    耐心、有     恒心, 心 急 吃 不 了 …

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