Rent a girlfriend for the Chinese New Year (Elementary)

Recently, there has been an intriguing news story spreading across the internet in China. Lily and Jerry are talking about it.

           Wǒ kàndào yítiáo qíguài de xīnwén.    Lily:我    看到    一条    奇怪   的   新闻。

            I read a weird piece of news.

           Shénme xīnwén? Jerry:什么        新闻?

           What …

Chinese test: Buying birthday flowers for Mom (Elementary)

Li Hua’s mother’s birthday is coming up soon. Since she’s thinking about a bouquet of flowers for a gift, she’s asking a flower shop their prices.

Conversation:             Lǎobǎn, zhè shù huār duōshao qián? Li Hua:老板,  这   束    花儿      多少    钱?

            Wǔshí kuài qián. Seller:五十    块    …

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