Peyton Manning vs. Justin Timberlake in a Ping-Pong Match (Beginner)

Peyton Manning vs. Justin Timberlake in a Ping-Pong Match (Beginner)

In the following Sony commercial, American pop musician and actor Justin Timberlake and Indianapolis Colts quarterback, Peyton Manning, square off in a ping-pong match and try out their Mandarin:

When Peyton Manning said, “我的中文也有进步 (Wǒ …

中国元宵节 The Chinese Lantern Festival (Intermediate)

中国元宵节 (Zhōngguó yuánxiāojié)

The Chinese Lantern Festival


Key Learning Points (Preview):

农历 (nónglì): n/adj the lunar calendar/lunar

愿望 (yuànwàng): n wish

完美 (wánměi): adj perfect

The Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first “农历 (nónglì) lunar” month. In ancient China, people called …

Top 10 Chinese Business Quotations

1、Jīntiān hěn cánkù, míngtiān gèng cánkù, hòutiān hěn měihǎo, dàn jué dàduōshù rén dōu sǐ zài míngtiān wǎnshàng, kàn bú jiàn hòutiān de tàiyáng. 今天很残酷,明天更残酷, 后天很美好,但绝大多数人都死在明天晚上,看不见 后天的太阳。 Today is cruel and tomorrow is crueler. The day after tomorrow will be wonderful; however, most people die …

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