Answer to The Selfish Flower Dies Alone- a Cautionary Chinese Tale

Answers: 1. C


Yīnwèi táohuā hěn zìsī, suǒyǐ tā dédào le bùhǎo de jiéguǒ. 因为桃花很自私,所以它得到了不好的结果。 The peach blossom got bad results because of its selfishness.

① 桃花 (Táohuā): The peach blossom

② 结果 (Tjiéguǒ): result

③ 自私 (Zìsī): selfish

Through the above analysis, we …

Why This Holiday for Kids was “Stolen” by Young People in China

Today is the Children’s Day. Many countries in Asia celebrate this day.

“儿童节 (Értóng jié): Children’s Day”, is officially known as International Children’s Day. However, The holiday is officially called “六一国际儿童节 (Liùyī guójì értóng jié)”, which translates to “June 1 International Children’s Day” in Chinese. …

Answer to Which Tone gets the Crown, First or Fourth?


1. A 2. B 3. A

Answer analysis:

(1) Wǒ hěn xǐhuān zhè dǐng wáng guān.       我很喜欢这顶王冠。       I really like this crown.

(2) Zhègè jiémù yóu táobǎo guàn míng bō chū.       这个节目由淘宝冠名播出。       This program is broadcast by Taobao.

(3) Tā méiyǒu gǎnrǎn xīn guān …

Do you have 微信(Wēixìn) or 威信 (Wēixìn)?Confused?Take This Quiz!

Please choose the best option to fill each blank. A.微信 (Wēixìn)

B.威信 (Wēixìn)

   Wǒ méiyǒu jiā tā de Wēixìn 1. 我没有加他的 ______ 。

   Zhègè rén jīhū méiyǒu wēixìn 2. 这个人几乎没有 ______ 。

   Tā shì yígè jí yǒu wēixìn de rén 3. 他是一个极有 ______ 的人。

   Wǒ …

Chinese Quiz: Who is infected by the Virus?

Read the Chinese dialogue below and answer the question. Lǐ Hóng: Wǒ biǎo gē qù yīyuàn jiǎnchá chūlái de jiéguǒ shì yángxìng. 李红:我表哥去医院检查出来的病毒结果是呈阳性。

Chén Lì: Tiān a! Qián liǎng tiān búshì hái shuō shì fǒu yīn xìng ma? 陈丽:天啊!前两天不是还说是阴性吗?

Lǐ hóng: Shì de. Xiànzài qíngkuàng …

名师分享:如何解决华裔少儿学中文最大的烦恼 -话到嘴边,却不知怎么说

作者:Jennifer Zhu,eChineseLearning学校的资深中文教师,深耕对外汉语行业10余年,尤其在华裔少儿中文教学领域有着非常丰富的教学经验。 我在教学期间,认识了来自全球各地优秀的学生,与他们共同畅游在探索中文的魅力之旅中。同时,我也一直激励自己,不忘初心,相伴学生快乐学习成长!今天,我想带大家一起看看,在华裔少儿学习中文过程中,会遇到哪些令人烦恼的事呢? 因为我的教学对象大部分都是华裔孩子,在我们的课堂上,经常会听到一句耳熟的话: “我知道它,但是不知道怎么说”。…

Answer to One of the Trickiest Metaphors When Learning Mandarin: Add oil!

Answer: 1.加油 (jiāyóu): to cheer sb. on Dàjiā dōu zài gěi tāmen xǐhuān de cānsài zhě men jiāyóu. 大家都在给他们喜欢的参赛者们加油。 The people are cheering their favorite on.

2.加油 (jiāyóu): oil, gasoline, diesel, fuel; oiling; lubricate. Suǒyǒu fēijī fēixíng qián dōu bìxū jiāyóu. 所有飞机飞行前都必须加油。 All aircraft must …

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