Answer Key – Diet, Weight and Running, Which Comes First?


1. D


Kěshì jiǎnféi xiàoguǒ háishì bú dà míngxiǎn 1. 可是减肥效果还是不大明显 But the weight loss effect is still not obvious.

Wǒ zuìjìn zài kòngzhì yǐnshí 2. 我最近在控制饮食 I’ve been on a diet lately.

Érqiě měitiān hái jiānchí pǎobù 3. 而且每天还坚持跑步 And ( I …

Diet, Weight and Running, Which Comes First?

1. Please use the following sentences to form a complete Chinese paragraph.

    Kěshì jiǎnféi xiàoguǒ háishì bú dà míngxiǎn 1. 可是减肥效果还是不大明显

    Wǒ zuìjìn zài kòngzhì yǐnshí 2. 我最近在控制饮食

    Érqiě měitiān hái jiānchí pǎobù 3. 而且每天还坚持跑步

SAT Sample Chinese Test: Why Aren’t You out Running?

A. …

Answer to How Can We Use the Modern and New Chinese Word — 安利 (Ānlì)?

Answers: 1. C 2. D


安慰 (Ānwèi) comfort; console; soothe


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安置 (Ānzhì) emplace; resettle; arrange for


Tā chūchāi …

Answer to A Clever Chinese Fable About A “Foolish” Man

Answers: 1. A


The vocabulary words are defined as follows: 敏感 (Mǐngǎn) sensitive; susceptible

聪敏 (Cōngmǐn) clever; intelligent; quick

聪慧 (Cōnghuì) bright; intelligent

聪颖 (Cōngyǐng) intelligent, smart

Tā shì yígè juédǐng cōngmíng de rén. 他是一个绝顶聪明的人。 He is the cleverest man.

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Answer to How Well Do You Know the Use of Double Negatives in Chinese ?

Answer: 1. B


Lì Li: Jīntiān yǒu diǎnr lěng a. 丽丽:今天有点儿冷啊。 Lily: It’s a little cold today.

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