Mini-Test Answer: She is Not in Love.

Answer: C


Sū Shān: Hēi, hǎojiǔ méijiàn le, shìbushì tán liàn’ài le,  méi shíjiān chūlái wán a? 苏  珊:  嗨,好久    没见   了,  是不是  谈恋爱  了,没   时间   出来   玩  啊? Susan: Hey, long time no see. Are you in love and have no time to …

“跑腿(pǎotuǐ)” Fancy Footwork Gets the Job Done! (Beginner)

In Chinese, people often use “跑腿(pǎotuǐ)” when describing their jobs. What does this mean? Find out after completing this test!

Wáng Lín: Mǎ Kè,   nǐde xīngōngzuò zěnmeyàng a? 王      琳:马  克,你的   新工作        怎么样      啊? Wang Lin: Mark, how’s your new job? Mǎ Kè:  Biétíle,   tiāntiān …

新年好 Happy New Year

新年好 (xīnniánhǎo) Happy New Year  Happy New Year is a children’s song for New Year, and most Chinese kids are familiar with it.

Xīnnián hǎo ya! Xīnnián hǎo ya! 新年      好  呀!新年     好  呀! Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Zhùhè dàjiā xīnnián hǎo! 祝贺   …

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