Nursery Rhyme -祝你圣诞快乐(Zhù Nǐ Shènɡdàn Kuàilè) Happy Christmas to You

Wǒmen zhù nǐ Shèngdàn kuàilè, 我们 祝  你圣诞快乐, Merry Christmas to you, Wǒmen zhù nǐ Shèngdàn kuàilè, 我们 祝   你圣诞快乐, Merry Christmas to you, Wǒmen zhù nǐ Shèngdàn kuàilè, 我们 祝  你圣诞快乐, Merry Christmas to you, Zhù nǐ xīnnián kuàilè, 祝 你 新年 快乐, Happy …

中国商务送礼禁忌 Taboos of Giving Business Gifts in China (Intermediate)

中国商务送礼禁忌 (Zhōngguó shāngwù sònglǐ jìnjì) Taboos of giving business gifts in China

Key Learning Points (Preview):

送礼 (sònglǐ): v. to give gift

商务往来 (shāngwù wǎnglái): n. business exchanges/doing business with others

“送礼 (sònglǐ) Gift giving ” is an important part of “商务往来 (shāngwù wǎnglái) doing …

取长补短 To Draw upon One Another’s Strong Point to Overcome Deficiencies

Yǒuyìtiān, dàxiàng hé mǎyǐ fāshēng le yìchǎng zhēnglùn, tā liǎ dōu rènwéi zìjǐ de lìqi bǐ duìfāng dà. 有一天,   大象      和 蚂蚁 发生      了 一场       争论,    他 俩  都   认为  自己 的力气比 对方     大。 One day, there arose an argument between an elephant and an …

Dine and Dash? It Is Having “霸王餐(bàwángcān)” in Mandarin!

Previously, we introduced two other Chinese words related to the character “霸(bà)”: “学霸(xuébà)” and “麦霸(màibà).” In this issue we will learn about another one, which is “霸王餐(bàwángcān).”

Literally, “霸(bà)” means “to dominate, lord over, tyrannize over or rule by force” and “王(wáng)” means “king.” Together, …

Talk about Stingy People? Use “铁公鸡(tiěgōngjī)” in Mandarin!

The term “铁公鸡(tiěgōngjī)” comes from the Chinese idiom “铁公鸡,一毛不拔(tiěgōngjī, yìmáo bùbá) You can’t pluck a feather from an iron rooster.”

Here, “铁(tiě)” means “iron” and “公鸡(gōngjī)” means “rooster,” but what the term “铁公鸡(tiěgōngjī)” is really used to refer to is a mean, stingy person who …

When You Feel Crushed, Use “心塞(xīnsāi)” in Mandarin

Zhāng Qíng: Xiàzhōu jiùyào qīmòkǎoshì le! 张晴:           下周      就要    期末考试  了! Zhang Qing: We will have the final exam next week!

Lǐ Chéng: Shìya. Nǐ fùxí de zěnmeyàng le? 李成:     是呀。你复习得 怎么样    了? Li Cheng: Yeah. How’s your preparation going?

Zhāng Qíng: Hái méi kāishǐ …

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