Chinese Nursery Rhyme: 中秋节(Zhōngqiūjié) Mid-Autumn Festival

Zhōngqiūjié 中秋节 Mid-autumn Festival

Zhōngqiūjié, yuèguāngguāng, 中秋节,       月 光光, Mid-autumn Festival, the moon is shining,

Quánjiā yìqǐ kàn yuèliɑng. 全家      一起 看  月亮。 All of us get together to see the moon.

Yuè ér yuán, yuè ér liàng, 月    儿 圆,   月  儿  亮, The …

In 2013,Chinese Dragon Boat Festival will be on the 12th of June

端午节 (Duānwǔ jié) Dragon Boat Festival

Dragon Boat Festival in Chinese is 端午节(Duānwǔ jié). It is on the fifth of May of lunar calendar. There are many legends about this traditional festival and the most popular one is “屈原 (Qū Yuán) QuYuan,” who was a …

Wearing a Sachet on Dragon Boat Festival (Elementary)

Key Learning Points (Preview):

戴香包 (dài xiāngbāo) v. to wear the sachet

香 (xiāng) adj. fragrant/delicious

It’s widely known that people enjoy “粽子 (zòngzi) rice dumplings” and “赛龙舟 (sài lóngzhōu) dragon-boat races” during the annual Dragon Boat Festival, but amongst all the customs, the most …

The Eastern Carnival-火把节 The Torch Festival

Online Mandarin Chinese: The Eastern Carnival-火把节 (Huǒbǎjié) The Torch Festival Key Learning Points (Preview):

节日(jiérì): n. festival

旅行(lǚxíng): v. to travel

“火把节 (cHuǒbǎ jié) The Torch Festival” is an ancient and important traditional “节日 (jiérì) festival” for various ethnic groups such as “彝、白、纳西 (Yí, Bái, …

Read Chinese story about 七夕节 (Qīxījié) Double Seven Festival (Chinese Valentine’s Day) (Beginner)

七夕节 (Qīxījié) Double Seven Festival (Chinese Valentine’s Day)

Key Learning Points (Preview):

鹊桥 (què qiáo): n. a bridge made up of magpies

七夕节 (Qīxījié): n. Double Seven Festival

中国情人节 (Zhōngguó Qíngrénjié): n. Chinese Valentine’s Day

The Double Seven Festival or Chinese Valentine’s Day is on …

中国元宵节 The Chinese Lantern Festival (Intermediate)

中国元宵节 (Zhōngguó yuánxiāojié)

The Chinese Lantern Festival


Key Learning Points (Preview):

农历 (nónglì): n/adj the lunar calendar/lunar

愿望 (yuànwàng): n wish

完美 (wánměi): adj perfect

The Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first “农历 (nónglì) lunar” month. In ancient China, people called …

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