Answer to What’s Your Specialty? – “特色(tèsè)” or “特点(tèdiǎn)”

Correct Answer: A In the Chinese language, both “特色(tèsè)” and “特点(tèdiǎn)” can be used to indicate a distinctive characteristic, trait, specialty, feature, etc. However, their usages are quite different. 1 “特色(tèsè)” “特色(tèsè)”typically refers to a positive defining characteristic that describes a certain “style,” “taste,” “situation,” …

Do You Like to Show Off? (Intermediate)

Lǐ Míng: John wēibó shàng zǒngshì yǒu hěnduō tā gēn tā nǚpéngyou de zhàopiàn. 李   明: John 微博    上        总是    有     很多    他 跟  他    女朋友      的   照片。 Xiǎo Wáng: Tā hěn xǐhuan xiù ēn’ài. 小       王: 他  很     喜欢    秀 恩爱。 What does Xiao …

“没门儿(Méi ménr)” – No Way!

“门(mén)” is a very common Chinese word, but it has more meanings than its basic meaning of “door.” For example, we use phrases like “有门(yǒu mén),” “没门(méi mén),” and “走后门(zǒu hòumén)” which are typically used in their erhua form, as “有门儿(yǒu ménr),” “没门儿(méi ménr),” and …

Nursery Rhyme-我爱小青蛙(Wǒ ài xiǎo qīngwā) I love the Little Frog

Gūguā, gūguā, yìzhī xiǎo qīngwā, 咕呱,   咕呱,一只   小    青蛙, Ribbit, Ribbit, there is a little frog, Gūɡuā, ɡūɡuā, wǒ zuì xǐhuan tā. 咕呱,    咕呱,我 最    喜欢  它。 Ribbit, Ribbit, I love him most of all. Tā de  gēshēng měi, tā de shēngyīn dà, 它  的    …

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