Answer to Can You Tell What They Mean from These Different Types of Smiley Faces?

Answers: 1. C 2. A


笑声 (Xiàoshēng): laughter

笑话 (Xiàohua): joke

笑容 (Xiàoróng): smile

(Try a Mini-test Answer: Smile)

Kàn le wǒ de chéngjìdān hòu, bàba lòu chū le mǎnyì de xiàoróng. 看了我的成绩单后,爸爸露出了满意的笑容。 After seeing my report card, Dad revealed a satisfied smile.

嘲笑 …

Quiz Time! How to Get Extra Time in Chinese

Read the dialogue and answer the question below.

Lì Li: Kuài diǎnr, diànyǐng jiù yào kāishǐ le. 丽丽:快点儿,电影就要开始了。

Wáng Qīng: Děng (     ), wǒ mǎshàng jiù dào. 王青:等(     ),我马上就到。

Please choose the best answer that completes the sentence.

A. 一个 (Yígè)

B. 一点 (Yìdiǎn)

C. …

Answer to A Chinese Song Only for the Most Loved Children

Answers: (1) C (2) A


Yìbān lái shuō, zhǒngzi yào jīngguò shēnggēn, fāyá, kāihuā hé jiēguǒ sì gè guòchéng. 一般来说,种子要经过生根、发芽、开花和结果四个过程。 In general, seeds will undergo four processes including rooting, germination, blossom, and bearing fruits.

果实 (Guǒshí): fruits

花 (Huā): flowers

叶子 (Yèzi): leaves

Above …

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