Answer Key – Quiz Time! What Does East + West Actually Mean?

Answer: B Analysis:

Xiǎo Míng: “Xiǎo Hóng, nà jiā diàn dōngxi zhìliàng zěnmeyàng a?” 小明:“小红,那家店东西质量怎么样啊?” Xiao Ming: “Xiao Hong, how about the quality of goods at that store?”

Xiǎo Hóng: “Xiāngdāng hǎo, wǒ hái xiǎng zài nà jiā diàn mǎi dōngxi ne.” 小红:“相当好,我还想在那家店买东西呢。” Xiao Hong: …

Answer to Put This Chinese Conversation in Order And Find out When to Go to Sleep!

Answer: A Analysis: Rúguǒ yào xiǎng tígāo shuìmián zhìliàng, nǐ bìxū zhùyì rùshuì de shíjiān. 如果要想提高睡眠质量,你必须注意入睡的时间。 If you want to improve the quality of sleep, you must pay attention to the time you fall asleep.

Yǒu shùjù biǎomíng zuìjiā rùshuì shíjiān duàn shì wǎnshàng jiǔ …

Put This Chinese Conversation in Order And Find out When to Go to Sleep!

Please put the sentences in the correct order:

    Suǒyǐ gèngjiā yǒu zhù yú wǒmen jìnkuài jìnrù mèngxiāng. 1. 所以更加有助于我们尽快进入梦乡。

    Yīnwèi zhè duàn shíjiān réntǐ jīnglì xiàjiàng, 2. 因为这段时间人体精力下降,

    Rúguǒ yào xiǎng tígāo shuìmián zhìliàng, nǐ bìxū zhùyì rùshuì de shíjiān. 3. 如果要想提高睡眠质量,你必须注意入睡的时间。

    Yǒu shùjù biǎomíng …

Answer to Courtesy and Politeness in Chinese: Learning Etiquette and Manners for Better Communication

Answer:A Analysis: Lì Li: “Xiǎo Xīn, nǐ zěnme la?” 丽丽:小新,你怎么啦? Li Li: “Xiao Xin, what’s wrong?”

Xiǎo Xīn: “Duìbuqǐ, wǒ xiān (shīpéi) yí xià, xiànzài yǒu jiàn jǐnjí de shìqíng yào chǔlǐ.” 小新:”对不起,我先(失陪)一下,现在有件紧急的事情要处理。” Xiao Xin: “Sorry, could you please excuse me for a moment? There …

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