“潮男(cháonán)”— Wet or Fashionable?

“潮(cháo),” literally means “tide,” and is typically used in phrases related to the tide, such as “潮水(cháoshuǐ) tide” and “涨潮(zhǎngcháo) rising tide” etc.


Qiántángjiāng de cháoshuǐ hěn yǒumíng. 钱塘江             的  潮水        很   有名。

The tide of Qiantang River is very famous.

Zhǎngcháo de shíhou …

“辣妈(làmā) Hot Mom”

Generally the word “辣(là)” has different meanings.

As a kind of taste, “辣(là)” means peppery or spicy hot.


Zhè dào cài zhēn là! 这    道   菜  真     辣! The dish is very spicy!

Another meaning of “辣(là)” is ruthless. It usually describes a person …

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