Mini-Test Answer: B.

Elementary Level 初级 (chūjí)

The correct answer to this test is B.


           Duìbuqǐ, wǒ chídào le.  Nate: 对不起,我    迟到  了。            I’m sorry, I’m late.

           Nǐ zěnme huí shì a? Dì yī cì yuēhuì jiù chídào. Ellen: 你   怎么    回 事啊?第一次  约会   就   迟到。            What’s …

Daily Quiz Answer: A. 8

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The right answer for this test is A.


A. The Chinese character for 8 is “八 (bā).” Its pronunciation is similar to that of another Chinese character “发 (fā)” which means good fortune and luck. That’s why 8 is the …

Mini-Test Answer: B

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The correct answer to this test is B.

Translation:           Nick, wǒmen fēnshǒu ba. Lucy: Nick,  我们     分手      吧。           Nick, let’s break up.

          Shénme? Nǐ fēngle ma!?  Nick: 什么?     你  疯了   吗!?           What? Are you crazy!?

          Duìbùqǐ, wǒ yǐjīng bú ài nǐ …

What’s Your Style? (Beginner)


       Nǐ kàn Lady Gaga Xiānggǎng yǎnchànghuì le ma? Jen: 你看   Lady Gaga  香港              演唱会      了 吗?        Have you seen the Lady Gaga Live concert in Hong Kong?

       Dāngrán le, nà kě zhēn shì shízú de Lady Gaga fànr a. Lily: 当然      了,那可  真     是  …

The Reason Why Mike Is Late

Study the vocabulary then read through the conversation. Why is Mike late?


迟到 (chídào) adj. late

路过 (lùguò) v. to pass by

路标 (lùbiāo) n. signpost/road sign


               Mike, nǐ zěnme měitiān shàngxué dōu chídào? Teacher: Mike,你 怎么    每天     上学        都    迟到?

               Mike, why …

Mini-Test Answer: Amy is a sweet talker.

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The right answer to the quiz is A.


         Lora ā yíhǎo. Amy: Lora 阿姨好。

         Hello, Aunt Lora.

         Amy nǐhǎo. Lora: Amy 你好。

         Hello, Amy.

         Lora āyí zhēn piàoliang.  Amy: Lora 阿姨  真  漂亮。

         Aunt Lora is so beautiful.

         (Xiàozhe shuō) …

Mini-Test Answer: Lana is such a show off!

Intermediate Level 中级 (zhōngjí)

The right answer to the test is C.

Translation:                  Kànkan wǒ zhè yìshēn, gòu měi ba. Lana: 看看     我   这    一身, 够    美 吧。          Look at me! Don’t I look beautiful in this new dress?

         (Xiàozhe shuō) Nǐ kě zhēn gòu …

Mini-Test Answer: 条 (tiáo)

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The right answer to the test is A.


Zhōumò qù guàngjiē ba. Lana: 周末      去   逛街      吧。

Let’s go shopping this weekend.

Hǎode, nǐ xiǎng mǎi shénme? Lucy: 好的,   你 想     买    什么?

Ok, what do you want to buy?…

Mini-Test Answer: 没门儿 (No way)

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The right answer to the quiz is “B.”


          Néng jiè wǒ diǎnr qián ma? Mary: 能   借   我  点儿    钱     吗?

          Can you lend me some money?

           Bù hǎo yìsi a, wǒ zuìjìn qián yě bú tài gòu yòng. Helen: …

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