Mini-Test Answer: just

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The right answer to this question is A.


         Tàitǎnníkèhào jìngrán chū 3D bǎn le. Anne: 泰坦尼克号    竟然        出   3D 版 了。          The movie “Titanic” is now in 3D!

         Shì a, nǐ cái zhīdao a.  Tom: 是啊,你才 知道 啊。          You’ve just …

Mini-Test Answer: God knows.

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The right answer to the test is B.


          Zhè yǔ yào xià dao shénme shíhou ya?    Lisa: 这雨   要     下   到     什么     时候   呀?

           When will the rain stop?

          Guǐ zhīdao, zài xià, zhōumò jiù bù néng chūqu wán le. …

烫头发 (tàng tóufa) Having a perm


        Nǐ jīntiān de fàxíng hěn bù yíyàng ye. Tom: 你今天   的 发型     很  不   一样   耶。

        Your hairstyle looks very different today.         Ò, wǒ tàngle yí xià.  Jen: 哦,我烫了 一 下。

        Oh yeah, I got a perm. After a while…         Á, yán bu yánzhòng …

Mini-Test Answer: 看把你美得

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The answer to the test is A.

Reread the conversation:

           Huàn xīn fāxíng le?  Anna: 换     新   发型   了? You got a new haircut?

           Hǎo kàn ba. Jenny: 好    看 吧。 Isn’t it beautiful?!

           Kàn bǎ nǐ měi de, búguò tǐng …

Chinese Idiom: 百发百中 One hundred shots, one hundred hits.

Key Learning Points (Preview):

能手 (néngshǒu): n. an expert/someone who masters a certain skill perfectly

中 (zhòng): v. to hit

Listen to the whole idiom story

Yǎng Yóujī shì gǔdài zhùmíng de shèjiàn néngshǒu. 养       由基 是    古代    著名       的   射箭        能手。

Yang Youji was …

I Got One Point More.

Story: Māma: Zhècì kǎoshì, gēge kǎole jiǔshíwǔ fēn, nǐ kǎole duōshǎo fēn? 妈妈: 这次 考试, 哥哥    考了    95        分,你 考了 多少       分? Mom: Your brother got 95 points on this exam. What about you?

Dìdi: Wǒ bǐ tā duō yì diǎn. 弟弟:我比他   多 一 点。 …

Mini-Test Answer: 我就知道

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The answer to the test is C.


           Míngtiān wǒ yào chuān nà tiáo wǒ zuì xǐhuan de qúnzi. Linda: 明天       我   要     穿     那 条   我   最   喜欢  的  裙子。

           I want to wear my favorite skirt tomorrow.

          Wǒ jiù …

Mini-Test Answer: 倒是

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The answer to the test is B.

        Nǐ dǎsuàn zěnme guò Qíngrénjié ya? Tom: 你打算    怎么      过     情人节      呀?

        How will you spend your Valentine’s Day?

        Wǒ dàoshì xiǎng guò ne, kě méi rén gēn wǒ guò a. Mike: 我倒是     想        …

Mini-Test Answer: 拜年 (Bàinián)

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The answer to the test is A.


A: “拜年 (bàinián)” means “paying a New Year’s visit.”

For example: Míngtiān wǒ qù gěi péngyou bàinián. 明天        我 去 给    朋友      拜年。

Tomorrow I’ll be paying a New Year’s visit to my …

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