Mini-Test Answer: 特意 (tèyì) especially.

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The answer to this test is A.

Translation:                 Yuádàn kuàile! Zhèxiē dōushì wǒ tèyì wèi nǐ zhǔnbèi de. Husband: 元旦       快乐! 这些     都是   我 特意为 你    准备   的。                 Happy New Year! I prepared this meal especially for you. I hope you …

Mini-Test Answer: 圣诞快乐 (Shèngdàn kuàile)

Beginning Level  初级 (chūjí)

The right answer for this test is A. 圣诞快乐 (Shèngdàn kuàile)


A: “圣诞快乐 (Shèngdàn kuàile)” is the Chinese for “Merry Christmas.” “圣诞 (Shèngdàn)” means “Christmas,” and “快乐 (kuàile)” means ” merry/happy.”

B: “元旦快乐 (Yuándàn kuàile)” is the Chinese for “Happy …

Mini-Test Answer: I don’t care whether you like it or not.

Intermediate Level 中级 (zhōngjí)

The answer to this test is A.

Translation:                      Lǎogōng, nǐ zuòde zhèshì shénme cài ya, wǒ kànzhe dōu méi shíyù.        Wife: 老公,  你    做的      这是     什么    菜 呀,我  看着     都   没 食欲。

                Honey, the dishes you cooked made me lose my …

Are You Still Single?

Key Learning Point (Preview):

光棍儿 (guānggùnr): n. bachelor

The day of Nov. 11 (11.11) is the so-called “光棍儿节 (Guānggùnr jié) Single’s Day,” because the four number “1’s” in the date look like four sticks with smooth surface. In Chinese the phrase “光棍儿 (guānggùnr)” first appeared …

Chinese Test: Why Are You so Dispirited?

Intermediate Level 中级 (zhōngjí)


           Hāi, zěnme wújīngdǎcǎi de? Anna: 嗨,怎么      无精打采     的。 Hi, why are you so dispirited?

           Fànwǎn dōu diū le, néng gāoxìng de qǐlái ma? Mike: 饭碗       都    丢 了,能     高兴      得  起来吗? _________, how can I be happy?

What does “饭碗 …

Mini-Test Answer: Job/way of making a living

Intermediate Level 中级 (zhōngjí)

The correct answer for this test is C.


          Hāi, zěnme wújīngdǎcǎi de? Anna: 嗨,怎么     无精打采     的。 Hi, why are you so dispirited?

          Fànwǎn dōu diū le, néng gāoxìng de qǐlái ma?  Mike: 饭碗      都    丢 了,能      高兴    得  起来吗? I …

Mini-Test Answer: Quite a while

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The right answer for this online Chinese test is A.


                     Nǐ zài zhèr ya, zhǎo nǐ bàn tiān le. Wang Hong: 你 在 这儿呀,找    你 半   天 了。 Ah, here you are. I looked for you for quite a while.…

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